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Question: will comments from the old blog be migrated to the new blog?

Will the new blog result in you blogging more often?

How are the moderation tools at the new blog, as opposed to here? Do you have more control and better ability to keep out spammers and trolls that descend upon your blog?

Have you yet read and typed the word "blog" so many times that it seems to have lost all meaning?

Greta Christina
Question: will comments from the old blog be migrated to the new blog?

Good question. I don't know yet. I'll let you know as soon as I find out.

Will the new blog result in you blogging more often?


How are the moderation tools at the new blog, as opposed to here? Do you have more control and better ability to keep out spammers and trolls that descend upon your blog?

Don't know yet... but I'm assuming they're pretty good. I can't imagine that PZ would use blogging software that didn't have excellent moderation tools and spam control.

Have you yet read and typed the word "blog" so many times that it seems to have lost all meaning?

Not yet... but I'm getting there. :-)


I can understand the reasons for not completely killing this blog, but since you are going to be moving all the archives to FTB, why not go back to each post in your archive and setup a redirect to the archive on FTB? This way, you are getting the hits that give you money! Doing all of this would take a lot of time and while I will try hard to (where humanly possible) change links to the FTB archive instead. However, setting up some redirects for each blog post (or at least the very highly linked ones) here would mean that no one would have to. And, you know, it gets you more money! Just an idea.

PZ seems to have made the migration to FTB well, without any changes to his format, so I'm confident that your move will go well too. I'm looking forward to the change.

Oh, and kirkaug has an interesting idea.

Greta Christina

kirkaug: That's a good idea. I'm not going to do it for every post, but I'll probably do that for the most widely linked-to ones.


Sounds like the move means there'll be more of your work for all of us to enjoy and benefit from. Great news.


Do I have to disable AdBlock on FTB for you (and the other bloggers) to get the hits? Do the ads need to be clicked on to generate revenue?


Along those lines regarding ads - do you have control over ads/ad content on your blog? Or is that controlled by the FTB overlords?

Several commenters have raised the point that there are now not only pop-up ads but malicious pop-up ads at the new


If you can migrate the old comments to the new blog, I'd urge you to do so and then close them here immediately.

I've been unhappy with how PZ is handling the transition -- he dual-posts, and there are then two completely disconnected comment threads for each post.


I'm sure you're planning to, but can you give a reminder when the switch happens to update our RSS feeds? I'd notice eventually I suppose.

Andrew T.

Best of luck on your site migration, but I'm just curious: Apart from showing an appreciable gesture of support for the new Freethought Blogs network, what is the impetus for the change? Is TypePad confining or difficult to maintain?

Chris H

Part of me is a little sad, since I've been reading this blog for so long. Hell, I think I've been visiting your site since before most people were familiar with what a "blog" was. But I think that the folks at FTB really need your voice, and I'm delighted to see you getting more and more exposure.

I currently don't have any regular paid gigs as a sex writer, and that has seriously limited how much time I can spend doing it.

That line makes me sad in ways I can't even describe. I'm really looking forward to seeing more sex writing from you again. Atheism needs to be queered. (Is that a word?)

Greta Christina
Do I have to disable AdBlock on FTB for you (and the other bloggers) to get the hits? Do the ads need to be clicked on to generate revenue?

I don't think so -- I'm getting paid by the hit count -- but I'll double check.

Along those lines regarding ads - do you have control over ads/ad content on your blog? Or is that controlled by the FTB overlords?

That is controlled by the FTB overlords. I can pass on the complaints, though.

I've been unhappy with how PZ is handling the transition -- he dual-posts, and there are then two completely disconnected comment threads for each post.

I am not planning to dual-post. Once I make the switch, I will not be posting any new material to the Typepad blog. I haven't yet decided about comments on old posts, though. It's going to depend on whether comments can migrate when I transfer the archives, and how easy it is to re-direct links from the old archives to the new ones at FTB.

I'm sure you're planning to, but can you give a reminder when the switch happens to update our RSS feeds?


Apart from showing an appreciable gesture of support for the new Freethought Blogs network, what is the impetus for the change?

1: Money. Freethought Blogs will pay me money to blog there. With the exception of reader donations and the occasional ad trickling in, this blog is not.

2: Increased traffic, which means increased influence and a whole host of other good things.

3: Money. Did I mention that this is a paying gig?

Andrew T.

Money? Oh well, that changes everything. :)

Toasted Rye

I am glad you are moving especially if it means more posts from you on a variety of topics. Freethought blogs has given me a chance to read new blogs which I enjoy. I recommend comment numbering when you get there.

Camels With Hammers

Greta, from what I understand (and you'd have to check with your own web people or the FTB people), you can have all hits for your old links automatically redirected to the new links at the new place. I think it's called a "hard redirect". And Google prefers that all your links be to the same site (I hear they penalize you in the search rankings if there are two links of the same material).

In either case, I'm looking forward to being neighbors!


Oh yay, FTB just keeps getting better. See ya there.


Thanks for you sex positive insight!

Stepehn Frug

It's terrific you'll be getting paid over there. Yay!

Kirk  Petersen

Best wishes at the new site, I'll continue reading you there. I'm curious, though -- in my experience as a writer looking for revenue opportunities, the pay-for-traffic schemes I've run across have uniformly been bogus. Based on the involvement of people who have had independent writing success, this seems more substantial, but are you sure it's a good move? I'm not nearly as prolific a blogger as you, and I'm not an atheist, but I'd love to have it turn out that there's a realistic business model for making money, even a little money, from blogging.

Ryan Sandefur

Dear Greta,

I am not commenting about this post. I am commenting about the post you wrote about male fitness models as you have closed commenting for the blog. Are you sure your depiction of "attainable" features is accurate? The reason I ask is you are making the blunt statement that the body a male fitness model has is "impossible". I, being a professional male fitness model myself, have the information that is correct as I am able to give a more accurate assumption on the so-called "possibility" of achieving the body I have. Simply put, I eat correctly. No, you are incorrect in saying fitness models do the insane rituals you sometimes read about. Did you hear that from one? Or did you just go on google and find someone's forum saying that is what they do? That is a system more used by body builders before shows. I eat right, and exercise correctly. I ignored the rest of your blogs as the first one I read, looking for more information on fitness modeling to increase my knowledge, completely ruined my night. I think you need to write a blog about old ladies that spend their time writing blogs about subjects that they more than likely never have or never will have a first hand experience with, SEX AND FITNESS MODELING. So please, unless you have eaten a balanced diet such as mine, had an exercise routine like mine, AND have sacrificed so much other pleasures in life for this career, do not attempt to state your opinion on this. It isn't even an opinion, you stated that the ability of achieving a body like mine is completely impossible. Which is literally incorrect. You are wrong. I just hope your other blogs are not as unprovokingly or incourageable as this one. As for anyone that read it and feels that they still have a chance, you are correct. I offer any advice to people that contact me on Model Mayhem or FB. I am sure you will delete this comment, but I hope you understand my reasoning in stating an argument. I will never blog to say bloggers are pathetic. Because it isn't what I do.


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Kirkaug: that's a good idea. I'm not going to for each post, but I might have done, the most extensive link.

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