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Andrew Hall

One of the things that Brokeback had going for it was the beautiful cinematography. From what I've seen in the trailer the visuals of The Ledge don't pop out at me. Meh, I'll still see it.

Greta Christina

Actually, Andrew, "The Ledge" is visually a very beautiful movie. It doesn't have sweeping majestic vistas of the mountainous West, but it has a very striking look that's worth investigating.


That's funny, Bill Donohue says the characters are "utterly predictable".

I was sort of leaning toward seeing this film because BillDo didn't like it. But then, BillDo doesn't like anything that doesn't treat religion (or at least Catholicism) with the utmost reverence, so that doesn't mean much.

I'm much more likely to go see it knowing that you liked it.


Overall, I absolutely agree; I personally loved the movie, and am curious to see how I can possibly discuss the movie without giving anything away. If there's anything I disagree with in this review, it's the analysis of Shana. I think that Shana was also mousy and meek to the point of absurdity, and it's obvious where that's questionable from a feminist perspective (as Greta says, the sexual harassment is flat-out fucked up).

I think, though, that this is the main point of the character; that's what religion can do to women! I think that's another contrast between the two directions she's being torn in. What with the reasons that she's staying with Joe, and even the not-so-subtle imagery of the ball gag, I think the crux of Shana's character is growing comfortable with the freedom that she gets from questioning her religious authority.

Consider the meekness of Chris, the gay roommate. Gavin is ten times as pissed at homophobia as Chris is. Especially considering the ending of Chris' story, I think that's the point of the character; the direct effect of religion on the lives of queer folks. The short scene towards the very end between Shana and Chris really drives this home, I think.

Okay, I'm done fanboying for the the moment.


Damn! The search is broken.

So, what is the significance or Brokeback Mountain that the producers of this movie think they have achieved themselves? I liked BM a lot, but I don't think I understand what is being referred to here.


I'd rather see the atheist Will & Grace, which broke more ground and had more viewers. Sitcoms have always been great for promoting progressive values. As for the film, I just found it okay. Nothing special and very contrived. It's more like the atheist Left Behind. Crimes & Misdemeanors remains probably the best atheist/secularist film and Han Solo remains my favorite atheist hero in film.


You had me at "Liv Tyler". I mean, I even sat through "One Night at McCool's" for her. Ugh.

But when they say this is such a breakthrough movie for atheism, I think, what about:

- The Invention of Lying
- Agora
- Religulous
- Letting Go of God

Lots of good stuff in the last few years.


Skeptic's Guide to the Universe interviews the director, Mathew Chapman. (Starting at about 42:20 .)


It's worth noting that there are a lot of atheist characters in science fiction. Not one person on the bridge of any of the Starships Enterprise believes in a personal God. To them, it's an amusing historical superstition, what we'd very much like it to be.

I disagree with Han Solo as an atheist hero. Not only is he merely a casual atheist (gods aren't a *thing* in his galaxy,) he's actually wrong. The mystical energy field he's skeptical about actually exists, has tremendous power, and apparently even has a will of its own.



Well, that would make Hans Solo more of a Flat Earth Atheist, as movies are so fond of portraying. It's a pretty popular depiction of any kind of skeptic--I like to call it fictional vindication, wherein they get to pretend their beliefs are as obvious in reality as they are in the fictionalized world they created and then pretend the skeptic is simply pretending not to believe out of some misguided and prideful stubbornness.

That was my one problem with Ghostbusters was that Peck was essentially a Flat Earth Skeptic. He lives in a world where ghosts are not only real but manifest on a rather regular basis and in all sorts of environments, leaving huge piles of slime everywhere as physical evidence, and still thinks that the ghostbusters are just charlatans. Come on--I'm as ruthless as the next skeptic, but even I'd have to give if I lived in a world where ghosts are as obvious and constant a presence in reality as the sun itself.

I'll forgive it though, because I've always had a thing for Dan Akroyd--in fact, I'd probably take him over The Depp. Just goes to show what a strange sick person I am, I guess!

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