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Larian LeQuella
"This could easily have been the 20 Worst States to Be an Atheist. The 30 Worst. Heck... the 50 Worst. "

How right you are. Even here in New Hampshire (supposedly one of the most secular states of all in the US), you have theitards behaving like they own the place on a regular basis. Of course, since they already accept their dogmas and rules, they see no problem in demanding that others follow them, because deep down, I don't think they really care about other human beings on that level.


I posted a link to this article in support of a comment at Furious Purpose about Christianity being no different to Islam when it comes to unpleasant behaviour.


Showed this to some of my friends who don't believe that people hate atheists.
I'm in Northern California, just north of San Francisco, so of course it isn't nearly as bad as it is in these places...but it does still exist. And as frustrating as it is for people to tell me I couldn't possibly have ever been discriminated against, it's even more frustrating when they think that everywhere is like NorCal. Someone told me Damon Fowler wasn't treated like that for his atheism--he MUST have done a bunch of other bad things/made stuff up/whatever, because religious people would never do something like that.

Hopefully this article can help show them...

Greta Christina
Someone told me Damon Fowler wasn't treated like that for his atheism--he MUST have done a bunch of other bad things/made stuff up/whatever, because religious people would never do something like that.

Are they fucking kidding?

They know about the Crusades, right? The Inquisition? The Salem witch trials? The troubles in Ireland? The assassination of abortion doctors? Hell -- 9/11?

"Religious people would never do something like that." I think my face is not permanently embedded in my palm.

the chaplain

"Religious people would never do something like that:" a re-phrasing of the No True Christian fallacy. Color me shocked.


I liked this list, but I'd also love to see a list of 10 best states to be an atheist. As an atheist in Washington, I have to say the level of acceptance (or at the very least, "meh, whatever") I've experienced is pretty awesome. I read about these other states, and I want to donate money to American Atheists and similar organizations to spread this sort of acceptance across the nation.


*To clarify: By "this sort of acceptance," I mean the sort of acceptance I experience in Washington.


Thank goodness I'm an Australian, with an unmarried atheist prime minister (even if she's not doing a great job, it does speak of a level of acceptance!)

Keira Paterson

Re: Oppression/privilege, I think the issue is that while atheists are hated, harassed etc, they are still more likely then not to be educated, middle class and white. i.e. They might not get voted for, but they are more likely to have access to the other necessary resources to gain office.

I can second the thankful to be Aussie sentiment. I'm traveling in the Pacific now, and the second question I'm asked is which church I go to. (First questions is who my husband is).


I am curious what the situation is like in other countries. Canada is generally okay, but there is a growing conservative/Christian movement here and it sickens me, honestly.


Read the "CASE FOR CHRIST"..GOD HELP ALL Atheists.. Your lives are almost over and you are headed for hell or pure nothing... WAKE UP!


Bill, I'm headed for pure nothing, like all of us. After death, my brain will stop working and my personality will come to a complete halt.

In a word, oblivion.

It's nothing to be afraid of; I was the same way before I was born, and bear no scars from the experience.

Jonathan Raymond

Bill, I know you mean well, and that you wholeheartedly believe you're doing a good thing, but please, treat us like adults. You may not agree with someone's world view, or they yours, but it's best to treat people with respect, you're not going to change someone's beliefs by just shouting at them. As the good man says, the best way to convert is by leading an example of what a good Christian should be.

Anyway, as an English agnostic with a girlfriend in Florida, this article does make me wonder slightly about the future :X

Andrew T.

Thank you for the laugh, Bill.


Good article. Reminds me of a chain of videos that appeared on youtube a while back discussing these issues in the context of what was called atheismophobia. The stigma of atheists is so high that we don't even have a word for the stigma yet, while other marginalized groups managed to get the stigma at least recognized, in words like homophobia, islamophobia and so forth. The effect is that the phobia is actually seen and accepted as normal, and the issue is not visible and a non-issue.


And, finally, you find polls done of all Americans demonstrating that plenty of families don't want their sons or daughters marrying atheists. There are many sad states of affairs.

That seems to be a strange thing to be upset about, particularly one to come from someone who claims the title "reverend." Most people in the U.S. are not atheists, and most people would prefer their children marry someone of a similar faith.

I don't see how someone who has a strong belief in God could marry someone who rejects the idea of God - and for that matter, vice versa. Barry Lynn essentially seems to be opining that it is terrible that non-atheists take their beliefs seriously - again, a strange position for a minister to take.

Justin Stewart

Glaivester : The children who want to marry an atheist may be an atheist themselves, and perhaps haven't told their family.


Okay, but isn't it natural for people to want their children to have the same religious beliefs that they do? If a person takes their religious beliefs seriously, and have a religion that makes claims to objective truth, shouldn't they prefer that their children and their spouses share the same beliefs, rather than that the children choose a belief system that the parents believe is not correct?

Again, Barry Lynn seems to be against people who take their religious beliefs seriously, which is an odd position for a "reverend" to take.

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