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THe "I'm with Stupid" and "Does God Care" angles are the aspects of the wager that have always driven me the battiest. I think they are where the real value of the Atheist Wager lies - it's not that it's a good argument for atheism so much as it's a good counterpoint to Pascal.

Mike Haubrich

I first encountered Pascal's wager in 1985, and have been amused by it ever since then. As you point out, Pascal limits the choice to "red" or "black," but people shouldn't forget that Pascal invented the Roulette wheel and there are more than two choices.

Except for pagans and buddhists, most religions say you have to pick a number and not a color.

Excellent takedown of an argument, Greta.


Most of your points are reasonable, and I agree with most of them, except for the section "Is the cost of belief really nothing?"

Pascal's wager does not rely on the costs of religious belief being zero. The important part of Pascal's wager is that the payoff if you believe and are correct is infinite, and the costs of believing are finite(which we would expect they would be, since life is limited).

That site explains it pretty well.

As long as the reward is infinite and the costs are finite(and the probability that god exists is not 0), the bet should be made.

Your other points are valid. It is still a very poor argument for believing.

As long as the reward is infinite and the costs are finite(and the probability that god exists is not 0), the bet should be made.

Okay, how about this:

I've invented a technology that allows a person to become immortal. It's amazing and totally foolproof, and there are no downsides. However, I'm really eccentric, so I won't explain any further than that. However, I promise I'll give it to you, if you PayPal me $5 right now.

Should you send me the five bucks?


"I've invented a technology that allows a person to become immortal. It's amazing and totally foolproof, and there are no downsides. However, I'm really eccentric, so I won't explain any further than that. However, I promise I'll give it to you, if you PayPal me $5 right now.

Should you send me the five bucks?"

Assuming that you believe immortality to be a good thing, and that you enjoy life and will forever enjoy life, and that nothing horrible will happen to the universe to make you stop enjoying life and that the universe won't end (there's probably something I'm missing there), and that the probability that you have actually invented such a device is not 0, then yes, I should send you the five bucks, since the expected value of sending you $5 would be greater than the expected value of not sending you $5.

As I don't believe any of those assumptions, I won't be sending you $5 any time soon.


Assume that the device grants immortality without any downsides, and that the laws of physics happen to imply a universe that will never end (AIUI this is still an open question).

Are you saying the probability of such a device is literally zero? That seems silly. The probability is certainly incredibly tiny, but in order for it to be at zero, it would have to imply something physically impossible, which I don't think it does.


No, I'm not implying that the probability is zero. You're right, it's probably not.

I believe that the probability that you have invented such a device, are willing to give it away for $5, and there has been no news or preceding discoveries leading up to this is 0.

Effectively, I don't believe it's possible for you to have done this without me having found out that you might some other way before you propose it to me, which hasn't happened.

I believe that the probability that you have invented such a device, are willing to give it away for $5, and there has been no news or preceding discoveries leading up to this is 0.

Again, impossible? It seems to me that that's overstating it; these events aren't impossible, just ludicrously unlikely.

Inventing the device: Perhaps I was incredibly lucky and managed to figure out all the necessary principles very rapidly. Perhaps my cat helped by jumping on the keyboard and randomly typing out some crucial equation or algorithm that otherwise would've taken decades to discover.

You not hearing about it: Perhaps you just, by coincidence, happen to have never heard of the development happening, even though other people have. Or perhaps the developers did a really good job of keeping it secret; conspiracies don't usually work that well, but maybe this one was lucky.

Giving it away for $5: this one is the least implausible. It doesn't require any new scientific discoveries, it only requires that I have some weird motivation other than profit. Humans do that all the time.

Since each of these events, considered independently, has a non-zero probability, then the composite probability of all of them happening is also non-zero.


Ok, true.

Your point?


My goal in this whole discussion has been to explain why I disagree with your earlier statement:

As long as the reward is infinite and the costs are finite(and the probability that god exists is not 0), the bet should be made.

If the probability of the whole "immortality machine" story being true is non-zero, and the potential benefit is large enough (which if you assume a long enough age of the universe, like say infinite, it certainly is), then a regular expected utility calculation says that strongly outweighs the cost of five dollars, and therefore you should give me five dollars.

However, if you actually gave me five dollars right now, we both know what would really happen: you'd be slightly poorer, I would go buy a milkshake, and nobody would be any more immortal than before. :-)

So my point is: expected utility calculations are not always a rational way to make decisions, especially at border cases with very large potential benefits and very small probabilities (i.e. lotteries).


You do put forth a convincing argument.

So why is expected value good at finite cases with reasonable probabilities, but not good at this?

Or is it actually good at those cases?


Honestly, I'm not sure. :-)

It's pretty easy to find scenarios that break simple decision theories like Pascal's expected value. But, I'm not very familiar with the more modern incarnations of decision theory, so I don't think I can talk very usefully about how to go about building a good decision-making algorithm, or why exactly a given system doesn't meet that mark.


What is the difference between a "true" believer and an insincere believer? Is there always one? Could someone act like a true believer thinking they are and still be insincere in their belief, or be a true believer without acting much like one? I sometimes wonder about the difference.



It's a lousy method of determining value even with finite values of both. The main reason is that (using financial expectation value as a proxy) it is not generally true that benefits or decrements scale properly. If the Invisible Pink Unicorn gave me $100 million or $1 billion it would make absolutely no difference to me which one (if you can buy anything you want, who cares, right?); in contrast, the difference between $10000 and $100000 would be enormous. But each is a factor of ten difference.



That is a good example of scaling issues.

Until Pascal (or anyone), could demonstrate an actual infinite (which eternity would be), I would not waste a second on the proposition. It would be like buying a flying pig in a poke. Unless you can show that a flying pig can exist, I'm passing.

Greta Christina

Dark and DSimon: I'm also not familiar with modern decision theory or game theory. But it seems to me that the moment the stakes go from "zero" to "above zero" -- even if the "above zero" stakes are very small -- then cost/ benefit analysis becomes important, and the question of how plausible the payoff is suddenly comes into play. An infinite payoff isn't any good if it the plausibility of it happening is nil or next to nil.

And when you combine this problem with the other problems of Pascal's Wager -- such as the fact that the stakes are actually pretty substantial, and the fact that wagering on one god means wagering against thousands of others (and in theory an infinitude of others) -- the weakness becomes more apparent. That's the beautiful thing about Pascal's Wager: the different reasons it's bad all interconnect so beautifully. The "Which god?" question dovetails into the "Does God even care?" question; the "Is this even belief?" question blends in seamlessly with the "Just how stupid do you think God is?" question. It's like a magnificent tapestry of fail.


Since Pascal was Roman Catholic his argument was for Roman Catholicism, not for Christianity in general and certainly not for god-belief in general.

Why confuse the issue by mentioning all the Podunk Bible-College-and-Bait-Shop churches, when you have the one true Church founded by God Himself, come to Earth in the person of His Son, Jesus, called the Christ?

Pascal's argument supports Roman Catholicism, nothing else. No confusion is possible.


The thing is, Pascal's Wager is not only ever brought up by Roman Catholics, it's also brought up by all sorts of other flavours of Christian (some of which claim Catholics are going to Hell, or vice versa). I don't think when a Methodist or a Baptist or a Mormon says "Either you believe in the True God, or you don't..." they think of the Roman Catholic approach to belief in God.


I sometimes wonder about the difference.

I think the point is that a god should be able to tell the difference.


Another thing about utility functions is that you have to discount future utility. Infinite reward over infinite time is equivalent to finite reward right now.

You just sum the geometric series. If I discount 1% per month, then the value of an infinite number of months is 100x the monthly reward.

Not to mention that, if you actually follow the theology, heaven isn't eternal: there's supposedly a "Last judgment" coming along one of these days to stir things up. I'm a little fuzzy on what happens after, but it needs to be made clear.


My mom says I have to believe in god, otherwise I'll become a hare krishna. I think this argument might be just a little dumber than Pascals.


Eclectic, how do you decide how much to discount?


My biggest problem with this article is the idea of heaven being strippers and beer.

I don't *like* beer.


Maria, "god should be able to tell the difference"

Yes, presumably God could tell the difference but that doesn't help a believer. Is there an identifiable difference? How could believers identify an insincere belief inside themselves? It wouldn't make sense to "ask God" if your belief were insincere?


lectroid: I'm more of a mixed drinks guy myself. Substitute your substance of choice! :)


Where are you going with all this, viatia?


Maria, I'm not sure where. I find it hard to nail down. I'm starting with the counter argument to Pascal's wager that a bet-hedging belief can't be sincere. But it seems believers who present the wager wouldn't care, at least not in others. But if a believer did care, what would make them think their own belief couldn't be insincere, by bet-hedging or something else?


Pascal's Wager: If God is infinite, we cannot logically prove God's existence. Because we can't prove his existence we might as well believe he exists because if we're wrong we're fucked, and if we're right we're set for eternity.

Could someone tell me in laymen terms why that's such a fallacy? It seems to make quite some sense to me.

I like Pascal's Wager because it reminds us that we cannot and can never fully prove that God does not exist. Knowing that we can never prove if God exists or not, it seems perfectly normal to me that some would like to play it on the safe side and choose to believe in God and all the wonderful things that believing in God is said to entail.

Pascal states on the purpose of man: "For after all what is man in nature? A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either"

That paragraph, written almost 250 years prior to Camus' The Stranger is seen by many as the birth of existential thought. The difference though between Pascal and the other modern and post-modern existentialists is that he offers a light at the end of the nihilistic tunnel: The belief in God.

Pascal's Wager is fascinating because it uses existentialism (a fiercely anti-religious mode of thought) as a rationale to believe in God. The simple eloquence of such a clever argument seems to be lost on Greta as well as most of the commenters here.

The snarky tone of this article really disappointed me. Pascal was a brilliant and massively influential thinker who I believe was more in-tune with man's quest for meaning than many secular thinkers are today. It would be nice if you separated his argument from those who in contemporary times have bastardized it.


Gabe, don't you mean disprove rather than prove in your first para?


Gabe, did you read the article? There is very little anyone can say in response to that that isn't in there, but I'll go ahead and just ask which God? Because there are currently thousands of known, completely contradictory Gods; none of whom have any more or less evidence in their favor to weed out the right one and all of whom will punish me severely for believing in a different one. So which of the thousands of known gods and the infite Gods I could just make up off the top of my head should be the one I hedge my bets with? Oh, and let us not forget all the Gods that exist (and all the infinitely possible Gods that can exist) that don't promise an infinite reward or anything resembling heaven; what should I do with those?

I like Pascal's Wager because it reminds us that we cannot and can never fully prove that God does not exist.

Indeed! In fact, that's true of any God you can come up with, including some that are silly.

For example: I happen to know for a fact that God will let you into heaven if and only if you PayPal me five dollars.

Now, of course, I could be wrong... in fact, chances are very high that I'm wrong! But when considering such a low cost, and a potentially infinite reward, doesn't it make the most sense to send me the $5?

Greta Christina
Could someone tell me in laymen terms why that's such a fallacy?


Gabe, I'm puzzled by your request. That's exactly what this entire piece does. I'll summarize in a moment, but I'm going to assume that your objections don't actually have anything to do with Pascal's Wager, but instead lie somewhere else. And I'm guessing they have to do with what you consider to be the "nihilistic" view of life without God.

I can assure you that nothing is further from the truth. Atheism is not nihilism. Most atheists experience a great sense of meaning and value in life. In fact, for many of us, our sense of the value of life has gone up since becoming atheists, not down: we value this life more now that we think it's the only one we have.

I've written elsewhere about how atheists experience value and meaning and joy in life. Here are just a few of those pieces:

Dancing Molecules: An Atheist Moment of Transcendence

For No Good Reason: Atheist Transcendence at the Black and White Tour

Atheist Meaning in a Small, Brief Life, Or, On Not Being a Size Queen

Part of the Show: Atheist Transcendence at the Edwardian Ball

As for Pascal's Wager: Here, once again, in layperson's terms, is why it's a fallacy. Pascal's Wager begs a number of serious questions: How do you decide which of the thousands of gods people believe in, and the tens of thousands of gods people have ever believed in, and the infinitude of gods that are hypothetically possible, are you going to worship? Why should you assume that God even cares whether we believe: that not believing means "we're fucked," and that believing means "we're set for eternity"? Assuming God does care whether we believe, why would we assume that this "believing because it's a safer bet" would satisfy him? How does pretending to believe in God simply because it's a safer bet qualify as real belief? And given that belief in gods requires real-world sacrifices -- the sacrifice of our reason, if nothing else -- wouldn't we want some evidence that these sacrifices weren't a total waste? Especially since -- as outlined in my first point -- we have no way of knowing which god we should be worshipping, and which sacrifices we should be making?

No, we can't be 100% certain that there are no gods -- but doesn't that equally apply to Allah and Zeus and Vishnu and Thor and the Goddess and every other god you presumably don't worship?

In other words: Without any good, solid evidence to believe in God in the first place, Pascal's Wager collapses. And if there were good, solid evidence to believe in God, Pascal's Wager would be unnecessary.

If you're going to defend Pascal's Wager, you need to come up with answers to these questions.


Thanks for all the responses, but wow, where do I even start?!

In response to Greta:

"Atheism is not nihilism. Most atheists experience a great sense of meaning and value in life. In fact, for many of us, our sense of the value of life has gone up since becoming atheists, not down: we value this life more now that we think it's the only one we have."

Meaning and value are subjective. I don't mean to sound patronizing but what you find beautiful or transcendental may to me seem pedestrian and boring. For example, as per one of the posts you linked to, you were amazed that the phenomena of joy and commitment could be produced by the biological structures that comprise us. That's an interesting observation, and I don't think any less of you because of it, but frankly that's just not really the way I see the world and it doesn't move me much. To equate that with Nihilism though was unfair and a tad ignorant, so I apologize for that.

"How do you decide which of the thousands of gods people believe in, and the tens of thousands of gods people have ever believed in, and the infinitude of gods that are hypothetically possible, are you going to worship"

That's an entirely unrelated issue. How one comes to believe in a religion has to do with upbrining, philosophical and spiritual outlook and other issues that Pascal doesn't even remotely touch on. Pascal's Wager assumes that one has arrived or has always possessed a specific religious tendency.

Furthermore, Pascal's Wager could really be applied to almost any monotheistic as well as polytheistic religion (and it has*). Pascal, as a Roman Catholic, believed in one God, and he believed in the supremacy of this God. Pascal might've thought that there are many Wagers one could make on the many different Gods that people believe in. He would say that one Wager (the one that has to do with the roman catholic god) is correct while the others are wrong, blasphemous, whatever...a Pascal Wager hierarchy if you will. Other religions could use the same logic to prove that their God's exist.

Again, the argument of 'if my God exists how can yours also exist' is a simplistic one. The belief that the existence of God is a zero-sum game is not ubiquitous in religious thought.

"And given that belief in gods requires real-world sacrifices -- the sacrifice of our reason, if nothing else -- wouldn't we want some evidence that these sacrifices weren't a total waste? Especially since -- as outlined in my first point -- we have no way of knowing which god we should be worshipping, and which sacrifices we should be making?"

You're using the royal We quite carelessly. Maybe you would like more evidence that god exists, but for some the proof of God's existence are as simple and obvious as the wind or the emotion of Love.

"Why should you assume that God even cares whether we believe: that not believing means "we're fucked," and that believing means "we're set for eternity"?"

(Excuse my original vulgarity) Because that's the doctrine taught by most religions. I suppose the assumption is where the issue lies - but that again is an unrelated discussion to Pascal's Wager.

"Assuming God does care whether we believe, why would we assume that this "believing because it's a safer bet" would satisfy him" "How does pretending to believe in God simply because it's a safer bet qualify as real belief?"

I wouldn't say that this as well is part of conventional religious doctrine, but there are many widely followed interpretations of religious text in which God is said to be ambivalent to the process of how one comes to believe in Him. The use of the word "pretending" is highly debatable, and religions deal with purity of belief in various ways - some taking a strict position while others are more inclusive and flexible.

Your first post takes a very simplistic and caricatured view of religion and religious thought. The often competing variations and interpretations of religion offer various answers to what your supposedly religionut-proof questions.

In response to DSimon: What do you mean when you say "silly"? It's a weasel word - what is silly to you may not be silly to me. What is silly to a Muslim may be silly to a Jew, what is silly to an Atheist may be silly to a Christian. The way we decipher what is truly silly (see: not grounded in rational logic) is by use of reason. Pascal's Wager (like I've said before) is meant to be conducted in a post-reason mode of thought.

As you might realize by now, I'm playing the role of devils advocate here because I've seen the wager been put down with such simplistic vehemence by many-a-atheist (I'm agnostic myself) that I thought I'd try and play the other side of the coin and see where it gets me.

Ultimately though, religious people do not like to defend their religion based on science or logic but on faith. I believe that can be harmful but also wonderful - Atheism has always bothered me because it's so beholden to science, logic, and rationality, leaving no room for faith, miracle, and hope. Faith and hope unbeholden to the dogmatic pursuit of science and "enlightenment reason" can be a tremendous human quality that allow us to imbue meaning on a world that can often seem utterly absurd and meaningless. As long as one group does not try to impose their religion forcefully on others, I don't think its fair to chastise people for choosing to see the world through such a lens.

I think there is a great misunderstanding between the 90% of the world who believes in religion and the 5 or 10% who don't. I think many religious people don't necessarily believe in some grey-haired guy sitting atop a cloud commanding, smiting, and worrying about us and our every insignificant action. Religion has been involved in society, political economy, and human thought for millennia - the reasons behind one believing in religion are often more complex and understandable than I think most of you would be willing to admit.

(I realize I've veered way off-topic, but I thought the rambling was pertinent)

Anyways, thank you all for your responses, this discussion has been dare I say, enlightening.

*Vararuci, a Hindu scholar used a similar argument to Pascal's Wager to prove the existence of the multiple Hindu deities.

Greta Christina
"How do you decide which of the thousands of gods people believe in, and the tens of thousands of gods people have ever believed in, and the infinitude of gods that are hypothetically possible, are you going to worship"

That's an entirely unrelated issue.

No. It is exactly the crux of the issue. If I don't already believe in a religion, and someone is using Pascal's Wager to persuade me, then why should I pick their god and their religion to worship out of thousands?

Furthermore, Pascal's Wager could really be applied to almost any monotheistic as well as polytheistic religion (and it has*).

Yes. That's exactly my point. And those religions differ significantly, in many cases to the point of holding completely opposing doctrines. An an outsider to religion, who is being offered Pascal's Wager as a reason to believe, how am I to decide which one to believe in?

Maybe you would like more evidence that god exists, but for some the proof of God's existence are as simple and obvious as the wind or the emotion of Love.

Ummm... With all due respect, do you understand that the wind is motion of air molecules, and that love is an emotion created by brains and hormones and bodies? They are wonderful things, but gods are not necessary to explain them.

"God is just obvious" is one of the worst arguments for God's existence around. Lots of things seem obvious that aren't true. Especially things we already believe, and that we've been taught to believe since we were children, and that we have strong motivation to believe.

In any case, you once again miss the point. If your evidence for your god was sufficient, why would you resort to Pascal's Wager to persuade someone of it -- or indeed, to persuade yourself?

"Why should you assume that God even cares whether we believe: that not believing means "we're fucked," and that believing means "we're set for eternity"?"

(Excuse my original vulgarity) Because that's the doctrine taught by most religions. I suppose the assumption is where the issue lies - but that again is an unrelated discussion to Pascal's Wager.

And yet again, this begs the question. Yes, I understand that the doctrine that God cares whether we believe in him is widespread. What reason do I have to think it's correct?

(And you don't have to apologize for using the word "fuck" in this blog.)

there are many widely followed interpretations of religious text in which God is said to be ambivalent to the process of how one comes to believe in Him.

You're missing the point. The question isn't "how does one come to believe?" The question is, "does a Pascal's Wager 'belief' even qualify as belief? Does is qualify as 'belief' to adhere to a doctrine regardless of whether you actually think it's, you know, true?"

Atheism has always bothered me because it's so beholden to science, logic, and rationality, leaving no room for faith, miracle, and hope. Faith and hope unbeholden to the dogmatic pursuit of science and "enlightenment reason" can be a tremendous human quality that allow us to imbue meaning on a world that can often seem utterly absurd and meaningless.


First of all, atheism is not devoid of hope or meaning. We already covered that when we talked about nihilism, which you already conceded you were mistaken about. It is not devoid of faith, unless you specifically mean religious faith, or faith in things we have no good reason to think are true -- and I see no reason why that's a good thing. Ditto miracles: atheists believe in everyday miracles of human beings transcending our normal abilities, just not in supernatural miracles -- and again, I see no reason why that's a good thing. And I see no reason why it's a good thing to imbue life with meaning that's based on unreality. I, for one, care whether the things I believe are true -- and I care whether the meaning I'm basing my life on is based on ideas and perceptions that are true. If you don't... then I'm not going to be very interested in pursuing this conversation further.

And in any case, you're falling back on the argument from utility. "I really want my religion to be true, therefore it's true." Another of the worst arguments ever. It's basically conceding the argument: it entirely disconnects your argument from the realm of reality, and places it squarely in the realm of wishful thinking.

Religion has been involved in society, political economy, and human thought for millennia - the reasons behind one believing in religion are often more complex and understandable than I think most of you would be willing to admit.

None of which makes it true.

I am aware of the complex reasons behind religious faith. (I used to have it myself.) And I am all too aware of religion's connections with human history -- it's one of the reasons I spend so much time speaking out against it. But "lots of people have believed this, and they have really psychologically interesting reasons to believe it" is not an argument for why something is true.

And I see no reason why it's a good thing to imbue life with meaning that's based on unreality.

I'm going to butt in for a moment (and to apologize ahead of time for it) to vent about this, because it's been stuck in my crop for a while, and I am so, so sick and tired of hearing theists say that atheism means life has no meaning and value, and the next time I hear one say it, I'm going to throw a brick*.

Out of all the people I know personally and am close to, only one of them is a fellow atheist. He is the ONLY one of the group who hasn't either considered throwing their life away--as in suicide, folks--for entirely petty reasons, who doesn't assume that religion is what gives people value, or who doesn't partake in reckless risk-taking on the assumption that if it kills them, it will "be [their] time to go" and they'll be going to a "better place".

Over and over again, I hear theists talk about how humans are disgusting and worthless things fit to be thrown in a firepit to burn forever, or how if we aren't the personal meat puppets to a magic sky man, then our lives have no meaning because we'd just be "chemicals", otherwise.

And then atheists are accused of wanting to take meaning out of people's lives, or of reducing humans to universal accidents no better than shitpiles, even though atheists are usually the ones saying that life is too precious to waste, and even though one of the aforementioned friends chose not to off himself not because God makes him precious or because the bible said no, but for the same completely secular reasons that I and many other atheists are glad to be alive for.

It's absolutely infuriating.

*No, before someone accuses me of being violent, I'm not really going to throw a brick.


All fair points Greta. I think this video will summarize by philosophical qualms with your takedown of Pascal's Wager, as well as with Atheism in general:

We could continue this discussion but the differences we seem to have are not empirical or logical but rather deeply philosophical.


Addendum: While the video is long it is beyond fascinating and remains cogent throughout - I do urge everyone here to take a look at it,


gabe, I watched the video you linked to. It didn't anywhere mention Pascal's wager. It didn't even address the existence of any metaphysical entities, merely the possible causes and ramifications of _beliefs_ in metaphysical entities, which he acknowledged were constructed and which he explicitly placed in a different category to empirical knowledge.

Or maybe I'm just not perceptive enough. Can you explain how anything in that video actually justifies Pascal's wager?

Also, the video wasn't _about_ atheism. It was about secularism which, despite what certain religious authorities may claim, is different.

Mark Manning


My thanks! I commend you for some great thought offered in clear and clever writing. Your "Athiest's Wager" is priceless! I have tried to put such insight into words, but your style far surpasses my own abilities.

And though you don't often follow your own advice about brevity, I have enjoyed your blog for a few weeks now.

As to the very term, "atheist," I have coined something that works better for me. I know you care nothing for the "passionless" middle ground, but I firmly believe in standing above the fray, living a life of meaning without self-identifying as a member of any side of an argument.

My new term for myself is, "theo-neutralist." Unlike an "atheist" who is now seen as, "a believer in no god," or "agnostic" who says, "I don't know," my theo-neutral stance is, "I can't know and I don't care!" This present life deserves all our attention as opposed to wasting time trying to qualify for some ethereal, possible future life.

I am a believer in humanity.

Mark Manning

And a poor proof-reader! Sorry, AthEIsts!


DSimon, the discount depends on about a zillion factors, particularly including how much you are suffering from the lack right now. I'd happily trade $1000 now for $1100 tomorrow, but I wouldn't trade 1000 breaths now for 1000000 breaths 30 minutes from now.

There's a whole lot of psychology and economics research into the matter. My brief blog-comment point was just that under reasonable assumptions, the present value is finite, without worrying about the exact numbers involved.


I usually turn back Pascal's wager by saying that's like telling me I can either bet on horses or not bet on horses. If I bet on horses I have to hang around horsetracks and choose a horse, and probably lose money. If I don't bet on horses I can spend my time doing something else, and keep my money in my pocket.


I think I've identified yet another flaw in Pascal's wager, by thinking about DSimon's "give me $5 for my immortality machine" example.

Since the cost of belief is nonzero (as you argue eloquently), the Pascal's wager argument only works if the reward for belief is sufficiently high to balance out the small probability of a "God that will grant you the reward only if you pretend to believe in him". The usual form of the argument sweeps this under the rug with "the value of eternal life is infinite".

But that's not true. Economists are familiar with the concept of "decreasing marginal utility of money". Having money is nice, but having twice as much money is not twice as nice. If I gave you the choice of 10 million dollars, or a 50% chance (or even a 40% chance!) of 20 million dollars, you'd be a fool not to take the sure thing.

The same applies to time of life. I'd take an extra 10 years over a 50% chance of an extra 20 years. And I'd take an extra billion years over a 50% chance of eternal life and a 50% chance of death right now (that's permanent, no-afterlife, death).

So if eternal life is worth less than twice as much as a billion-year life, then it has finite value. And if it has finite value, it's not obvious (and IMNSFHO, not true) that it's large enough to balance the tiny, tiny probability that any one particular religion that includes the "God is so petty that an insincere belief in him will make the difference between him granting you eternal life and not" belief is true.


I do agree that pascals wager is stupid for the simple fact that if you truly have faith its not a can't say I believe just to cover your ass. I do believe in God myself and I love hearing arguments from atheist and all beliefs to help me better understand my own faith. You can't defend your own faith and teach it without understand all aspects of others beliefs.......I don't think you follow the same concept. There are not thousands of Christian gods just because there are variations of Christian religion. GOD was not religious, if you are Christian you believe in the same God, you just have different interpretations. Do they matter? For the most part I don't believe long as you have faith in God and follow his law which in its simplest form is simply unconditional love. No matter what religion you are if we all had unconditionalove for each other nearly all of our problems would vanish. Common sense would help anyone decide which faith is correct, look at the history of them and you will see which one is the only one with proveable proficy and predictions. As far as which version.....well just study the original text and don't twist it around to mean what u want it to......think about it.

Greta Christina
so long as you have faith in God and follow his law which in its simplest form is simply unconditional love.

Dub2001: And how do you know that "unconditional love" is God's law in its simplest form? Lots of Christians -- and believers in other religions -- strongly disagree with you about that. How do you know that you're right and they're wrong?

Besides, there are plenty of teachings in the Bible -- even in the New Testament, even in the Four Gospels -- that are hateful and morally abhorrent, that teach anything but unconditional love. How do you reconcile these with your idea that "unconditional love" is God's law in its simplest form?

Common sense would help anyone decide which faith is correct...

Really? Common sense seems to have done nothing of the kind. Pretty much every believer has a different idea of which faith is correct -- and their "common sense" all tells them that theirs is correct. "Common sense" all too often tells us what we already believe, or what we most want to believe. How do you know that your "common sense" is telling you the truth, and that the "common sense" of Christians and other believers who totally disagree with you is telling them falsehood?

and you will see which one is the only one with proveable proficy and predictions.

Really. Which one is that? I am not aware of any religious tradition with a proven track record of reliable prophecy and predictions that are any more accurate than educated guessing. (Except for the ones where the "history" was deliberately written after the prophecies and predictions to make it seems as if they had been fulfilled.)

As far as which version.....well just study the original text and don't twist it around to mean what u want it to.

And how am I to do that? The original text is shot full of internal contradictions. The original text is ridiculously unclear. It's one of the reasons people have come up with so many interpretations.

And even if that weren't true... why should I believe this particular text? There are lots of religious texts, in lots of religious traditions. Why should I believe the Bible, as opposed to the Koran, or the Bhagavad Ghita, or the Book of Mormon? Given that the Bible is not only internally contradictory but also wildly inaccurate... why should I trust it any more than any other book?


I would like to explain what people refer to as “The Gospel” or “Good News”. In this explanation, I will discuss God’s grace, which unfortunately so many people do not understand or have never been clearly explained.

Unfortunately, many people attend a Christian church regularly (or attended one in the past) but have never been clearly taught what the Bible stresses as the most important decision that one could ever make. It is only in making this decision that one actually becomes one of God’s children and is “saved” from His eternal judgment. This decision deals with what is referred to as “The Gospel”. If you have never heard “The Gospel” before, here it is. Around 33 AD, Jesus Christ, who is God incarnate, paid the price for every single person’s sin in history by dying the death of crucifixion at the hands of the Romans. He willingly died for every person’s sin that has ever lived and every will live. That includes both you and me. He willing died a death that we deserve for our moral failures in life. Jesus was brutally beaten, whipped, mocked, spit upon, nailed to a wooden cross, and then died. Three days later, He rose from the dead, as He foretold His disciples (group of followers). Jesus then ascended into heaven forty days later. He currently lives with God, His father, in heaven today. During Old Testament times (times prior to the birth of Jesus Christ – B.C.), people had a keen awareness of their moral guilt, as any honest person still does today. I know that I have wronged many people and have felt a deep-seated guilt within many areas of my life. Many people during Old Testament times sacrificed animals to God as a form of limited atonement for their immoral actions. God often accepted these sacrifices, but only in a temporary and limited way. Over time, God changed this extremely limited form of atonement, as He had planned from the very beginning of time. Moreover, God sent His one and only son Jesus Christ down to the Earth. Since Jesus was both sinless and blameless, He willingly died on the cross as an unlimited atonement. It was in God’s will for His son to die in this way. This unlimited atonement is available to any person who whole-heartedly repents of their sins (moral failures) and then asks God to personally apply Jesus’ undeserved death and resurrection as a payment for their sins. It is imperative here that one believes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was ultimately an act of God’s grace. God did not have to offer an escape from our moral guilt and eternal punishment. However, God is gracious. He has a compassion and love for people that is indescribable. God wants to “wipe the slate” clean for us, in regards to our moral failures. Through this action, we could then enter a personal relationship with His son Jesus Christ and escape his eternal judgment. The Bible refers to moral failures as ‘sin’, or missing the mark of God’s perfect standard of morality. “Sin” is an ancient archery term for an arrow that missed the target. God is loving in the purest sense of the word and would like to grant us victory over the sins that still haunt us from our past. All we have to do is accept this gift of grace from Him. It is free.

God promises us a way to become morally blameless and gain entrance into heaven after living our physical live here on Earth. Here is what we must willingly do on our part. First off, we must truly believe that God is gracious and extended His grace by allowing His one and only son to die as a ransom for our sins on the cross. We must admit to God that we have failed morally during our lifetime and that Jesus Christ’s brutal death on the cross is the only sacrifice that could ever forgive our sins. After making this decision (accepting God’s grace), we are immediately forgiven of all past, present, and future sins. In addition, we would be guaranteed entrance into heaven after our physical death here on Earth. We would then live with both God and His son Jesus forever. We would be guaranteed to see all of our loved ones who had made this decision during his or her physical lives on Earth.

You could make this decision today. Please do not wait for the “perfect time”. You could ask God for eternal forgiveness through applying the death and resurrection of Jesus to your life within the quietness of your bedroom tonight. This is the most important decision that you will ever make.

So you might be asking, “Where in the Bible does it explain what has just been summarized?” Here are some passages clearly stating that Jesus seeks a personal relationship with us:

“that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
- Romans 10:9-10

"Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; “
- Acts 3:19

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
- John 3:16

As long as you repent of your past sins (moral failures) from the heart, confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and apply Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection on the cross as a payment for your sins, you are guaranteed eternal life with God in heaven. You can make this decision at any time, anywhere. You can make this decision alone with God or within a group setting.

Please know that one cannot sit the fence on making this decision of accepting God’s gift of grace. If one chooses not to decide, he or she has still made a choice. This would be like receiving a check (hearing “The Gospel”) but never endorsing and cashing it in at the bank (personally applying Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection towards one’s sins).

“He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
- John 3:18

The result of not choosing to accept Gods gift of grace, which offers eternal life with both Him and Jesus in heaven is clear. You will live the remainder of your life here on Earth apart from Jesus Christ and His empowerment. You will then follow your life plan and not His plan for you. After you physically die, you will then be brought to a dark place where there is “weeping and gnashing of teeth”. It is a place of eternal regret. Here, you will remember this very letter and how you were told the truth but chose not to repent and begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Remember, if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. You could be diagnosed with a terminal illness tomorrow or be the recipient of a head-on collision while returning home on that all too familiar, two-lane highway this Friday night. If you are considering starting your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please do not wait to make this decision. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

The following passage outlines the only requirements Jesus Christ has set to both gain eternal life and begin a personal relationship with Him while you are still alive here on Earth. He makes it crystal-clear in the Bible what is required…

“that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
- Romans 10:9-10

God has a plan for your life. You can watch this plan unfold once you accept His gift of grace. This great plan involves your life experience while here on Earth and continues after your physical death on into heaven.

“For I know the plans that I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”
- Jeremiah 29:11-13

Please consider what I have said here. I am not sure if you have ever made this decision before, but I needed to make sure that you had the facts. If you should decide that you want to learn more about the life of Jesus and gain a better understanding of authentic Christianity, I strongly recommend reading the book of John within the Bible (NASB or NIV translation).

In closing, here is a verse that someone once shared with me that finally brought me into a relationship with God during an extremely low point physically and emotionally. The understanding of Jesus’ desire to know me personally changed my life forever. Here it is:

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.”
- Revelation 3:20

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