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"So I'm retracting even the ambivalent support I gave them in the past. New evidence had made my previous position unsupportable, and I am therefore changing it."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is called integrity.


This is why I like this blog. Greta Christina is so obviously thoughtful and honest; she can change her mind, which in the mainstream USA is considered 'waffling' or a bad thing. On the contrary, changing you mind when new evidence presents itself is the surest sign of strength and integrity IMO.


It is great to be able to change ones mind and also admit that your views may have not been exactly on the mark.

As for porn and all the reasons people get into it... I have known a lot of people in the industry and I can say that a majority of them get into it because of economic stress.
That however is not a bad thing.
It is no different than taking any other job that may not have been a first choice simply to keep a roof over your head.

Rebecca H.

Truly well thought out and beautifully written, Greta. I wish other authors who write about ethics (NYT's "Ethicist," Randy Cohen comes to mind) were half as consistent and ready to reconsider previously-held opinions. (And it's nice to see someone coming up with a new food-for-sex metaphor.)


It makes them look less like genuine concern for the well-being of performers in the video porn industry, and more like... well, more like standard sex-negative hostility towards porn in general. It makes me take these accusations with a large grain of salt.

I thought the same thing, and for this reason it took me a while to realize that the GGW videos were not up to code. I now realize that some things I heard about them should have given me pause, but they were embedded in so much anti-sexual bullshit that I simply couldn't asked to wade through it.

Tim M.

Strong support for Greta's views of the industry come from porn star and feminist Nina Hartley in her interview published in the current issue of The Humanist.

the chaplain

Thanks for a very well written, balanced post about this issue. Porn is a negatively emotionally loaded issue for most of the people I know, so it's difficult for me to have serious, sincere discussions about it with anyone.

I greatly respect your ability to change your mind about GGW, and publicly declare the change and explain clearly your rationale.

Pierce R. Butler

Are there really no solid studies of the pornography business, its production, distribution, workers, consumers, etc?

Start here (no endorsement of methodology or conclusions implied: just the first result of a Google search for "porn industry analysis").

... a $5 billion bailout from the government ... ?!?

When new data conflicts with the old, a person can change their mind.

Good show and fascinating read.

That was very well thought out indeed. It's not very often I come across such a good critique of something that makes most people blush to talk about.

Scrawny Kayaker

Your rubber stamp image needs a vertical flip on the stamp. The V and N should look upside-down, at least. Otherwise, yet another fine post.


Greta, I see that you dislike child labor, but have you considered that if these children did not work, they might starve and die? If you boycott companies that run factories where children are employed, what do you think those families will do to survive? The alternative to poor kids who work is not rich kids who don't need to work. The alternative is poor kids who are starving.


@ Scrawny Kayaker:

I think the rubber stamp image is actually correct - the inverted stamping letters are out of sight on the bottom and the visible word "EVIDENCE" on the side is a label.

FWIW I thought the same thing you did until I looked carefully.


Most forms of porn have to be fully legalised. Only then will employment and business law protect those who work in that industry.

The age of consent should be raised to 21. If states raised it higher, I would not complain. I decided some years ago that no real legal or moral issues are raised if a woman past her 30th birthday wants to expose her vulva on the internet. I would much rather have teenage boys learn what a woman looks like by looking at a 35 year old married woman than at a 19 year old whose web site screams "Teen! Teen!" over and over.

A major positive development of the internet era is porn made, scripted, and distributed by women, who retain complete control and pocket all profits. Porn is like old time prostitution; the pimps are infinitely more disgusting than the working girls.

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