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Thanks for this great post! I grew up in a pretty conservative household (you didn't even say anything that rhymed with s-e-x) which made me reluctant to broach the topic of sex with friends and then lovers. It's taken me a while to get over that-- so I definitely agree, talking about it would go a long way in making people more comfortable with their sexuality.

David Harmon

YES. The basic goal of the modern Puritans is not just to control people's sex lives, but to control their very thoughts about sex -- to taint any unsanctioned pleasure with guilt and shame, thus making it another source of power for their own authority.

Standing up for porn is standing up for individual freedom and pleasure, and standing against those who want to control... well, everything that makes us human.

Solar Hero

Love you Greta!

What do you think of Mary Daly? Too religious? (the Catholics say she's an atheist!)


Nina Hartley

Right on as usual, Greta. Ernest says porn is important because it's where we dream about sex, and sex is important to us all. We can't let the idiots rule the roost when it comes to depictions of sex (i.e. "porn") because they have no imaginations.

We need porn because people have sex and need to be able to see/hear/read about other people having sex, and "porn" is the only game in town, since simply by showing naughty bits in action makes it "porn," instead of "art."



BTW, seriously hot fantasy... I wish I weren't stuck at work right now.


Triple-A, Greta.

Awesome As Always...


This reminds me of something Roger Ebert once said about the Rocky Horror Picture Show, that every generation needed its own repeat version of it to inject a little humor into sexuality and sexual taboo. If you can laugh at something, it becomes more familiar. And some porn is actually quite hilarious.


Having grown up in a household where the very idea of looking at "dirty magazines" was very much demonized, I felt quite liberated when I left home and started exploring the world of porn. I became curious about everything from an observer's point of view. For the things I found arousing, I was able to experience extremes I couldn't (or wouldn't) in my daily life. For the things I didn't find arousing, I still found it fascinating the various ways people experience pleasure.


Oh hells to the yeah! This is a fantastic entry and with an argument I've not quite heard in this way before. Awesome!

I'm aware that way too much of it, far from exploring the wide possibilities of sexuality, simply mines the same predictable, easily- marketable veins, over and over and over again.

As long as your work can be judged obscene by the subjective opinion of a random jury, the only relative safety is to make porn that is just like the stuff that has been made before?


is it weird that this is kind of one of the reasons I got into kinky porn? I mean, I also got into it because it's SO MUCH FUN, but I also see it as a form of sexual activism.

When I'm a visible freak, it makes it easier for the next freak.

thankyouthankyouthankyou for writing this
excellent entry!


"As long as your work can be judged obscene by the subjective opinion of a random jury, the only relative safety is to make porn that is just like the stuff that has been made before?"

(From comment above)

Too true. I believe that is one of the results of the chilling effect.


Yes yes yes. omfg yes. (I'm a little late in commenting, I've had you bookmarked for a while and just hadn't gotten a chance to read the whole post.)

Occidental Yogi

Just wondering what was the nature of the "consciousness raising" group and how the public sharing of one's personal sexual inner world would aid or result in a raising of consciousness, either individually or as a group whole?

What exactly was the point?


Hi, Greta.

Although it's good to reassure inhibited people that sexual expression is permissible, such reassurances should be accompanied by the following disclaimer. Just like highly palatable foods, sexual stimulation (especially internet pornography) can lead to compulsive and maladaptive behavior.

Contrary to your claim that "sexual excitement and pleasure are positive goods, valuable simply in and of themselves", for some people the hyperstimulating content in pornography can be debilitating. The undesirable alterations in our neurobiology as a result of persistent sexual stimulation (impaired impulse control [1], impaired attention, enhanced vulnerability to other compulsive behaviors [2]) are not as readily observable as the undesirable consequences of overeating (obesity [3]), but we mustn't dismiss the evidence for them.

I should note that this is by no means a religious objection. I'm an atheist and a neuroscience researcher. My beliefs about this issue have been informed in large part by Marnia Robinson (4).



Great post and nice article.I like Greta!

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