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David Harmon

Wow, now that's an appealing review... it's been a while since I saw a movie in the theater, but I may have to look for this one.

An aside: I was rather startled by their sidebar photo of you -- it certainly doesn't look much like the photo you've got here!

Buck Fuddy

Gay people are different, just like everybody else. :D

The thing I've always admired most about my gay friends is their ability to see two (or more) sides of everything. They never seem to have any difficulty understanding my perspectives, but at the same time, they can offer an alternative that sometimes just completely blows my mind, and, as someone who takes pride in having an overdeveloped sense of irony, most of the gay guys I've known make me look like an amateur.

But the sad thing about this is that I think they've developed these characteristics due to the demands of surviving in a culture that views them as outsiders, and one in which they had to pretend to be something they were not, and something they often regarded with contempt, disgust or even hatred, and having to figure out whom they could trust and when they could be themselves.

For a long time I just regarded these characteristics as integral parts of my friends' personalities--part of their gayness, if you will--and part of why I loved them so much, but lately I've begun to wonder if these characteristics will die out as gayness becomes more accepted. I long to see the day when people will just be free to love whomever they choose without worrying about whether they're gay, str8 or bi, and people won't assume a couple means two people of opposite genders, but now I'm feeling a pang of nostalgia for the days when it meant something when someone came out to you.

I'm glad those days are over, but I don't want to see gayness fade to irrelevance. In a way it's like the way I love the blues, even though they wouldn't exist had it not been for slavery. I don't know how to reconcile my feelings about things like that.

Well, anyway, I just stopped by to offer congratulations on the overturning of prop. 8. I'm sure it's not the last word, but hopefully another nail in the coffin of prejudice.

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