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Interesting, but I think the woman owes everything to Madonna short of royalties.


I don't agree @Rhacodactylus. Sure she's obviously been influenced by Madonna, but what musician since 1985 hasn't been? Everyone's art and music influences everyone else's. Lady Gaga is not simply a cheap copy of Madonna. For one her sense of fashion is totally different and far more Avant-garde; she's a better musician and arguably a better singer than Madonna (watch her live and pre-Lady Gaga stuff). She's as much Madonna as she is David Bowie or Queen or Michael Jackson. You might as well say Damien Rice or Jann Arden owe everything to Joni Mitchell.


Great analysis. I too am in love with the way she combines kinky porn and raw sexuality, Avant-garde NY fashion, gay sensibilities, pop music, and literary and cultural references in one seamless package. It's entertaining, but it's also thought-provoking with more than a little tinge of liberal activism.


I forgot to mention how much I love the way she subverts religious imagery (especially in Alejandro).


Have you seen Lesley Kinzel's analysis of Alejandro? She does a great comparison with Madonna's Express Yourself and a solid discussion of how Gaga breaks the male gaze in her videos. Here:

Sara Morris

I enjoy her music and love her videos for all the reasons already... but having the opportunity to attend one of her concerts blew me away. Her voice is amazing. Really. And she's able to translate all the raw sexuality and high art into live theater. The show was weeks ago and I'm still in awe.


Please do review Alejandro! I thought of this original post as soon as I saw the video, and wished I could see your analysis of it.


Alejandro is obviously "dirtier and kinkier and queerer" but is Bad Romance still your favourite?

Harold Blum

Thanks Greta for putting form to my how I feel watching her. She's too much fun but it goes beyond that for me. Its like church only so much better.

I so enjoy your writing. Please don't stop until I use the safe word.


You think too much.
Stop trying to analyze (Wonder why "Anal" is in that word?).
But you forgot the most important ingredient to a Lady G. Video: Humour.
Lady G has one hell of a wicked sense of humour!


I love lady gaga!! she is awesome!! she is hot, too. I don't think she is porn though. If you want porn check out my blog: LegendaryPorn

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