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Hmmm... broccoli...

Timothy (TRiG)

I've heard that some people have an inbuilt genetic aversion to broccoli. I must look that up some time and check whether it's real or an urban legend. I rather like it, myself.



Actually.. A bit of an experiment was run a while back, in which people dining where given things they didn't order, but the experimenter *knew* from prior questionnaires they didn't like, and then an attempt was made to trick them into thinking they had in fact actually ordered the item themselves. When successful, there was a near 100% success rate of then deciding they liked the item, even if it was something they couldn't stand previously. The perception that they had, themselves, made the choice to order it again distorted their responses enough that the outcome differed from what would have happened even 24 hours earlier, when it was delivered to them while they *knew* they hadn't wanted it.

Take what that may mean to the situation as you will. ;)


I have taught myself to like lots of foods, mostly vegetables, one at a time. I take a small amount of the food and cook it with the rest of something I do like. Once I am used to the flavor, I add more. If it's something that can be eaten raw, I then start with small amounts raw in something I like, and increase the amounts once I am used to the strange new flavor. I feel like learning to like new foods is really learning how to experience the flavor and texture and how to use it in your own cooking. I am so grateful that now I can enjoy hot peppers, green bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, avocados, and pretty much everything but eggplant is tolerable. Learning to appreciate the flavors of nutritious foods has also helped me appreciate the good things certain foods do for my body. I also have foods that I used to eat in abundance (Pringles, soda, fake cheese, Yellow #6, etc.) that I would never eat again unless it is just to taste it and remind myself that their flavors do not make it worth consuming the empty calories, extreme amounts of sugar, and chemicals that do not exist in nature. I really like the idea of comparing this to sex. I used to only have straight sex, lots of it, convinced that it was the best sex in the world. When I stopped being attracted to men and realized that I wanted to sleep with women, I started with what I knew from sex with men and myself and slowly incorporated acts that I'd never tried but was then in a position to explore. I have had sex with men a few times as a lesbian, and just like with the food I used to enjoy, I've learned that what I liked about straight sex does not make up for what I don't like, or what is not healthy, and it makes me celebrate my bravery in exploring new flavors instead of sticking with what I had always done, out of habit, without questioning whether it was the healthiest thing for me do be eating/doing. After being willing try foods/sex that I had been convinced in the past weren't for me, those past tastes are undesirable by comparison. Maybe someday I'll even be able to eat out an eggplant.

Ham Nox

I'm like that with music... I don't know what my 'taste' is really, I just usually like whatever is familiar to me. As soon as I've heard a song a few times, I start to like it more.


I am senior at a Christian University. I have an assignment where I have to email with a non-believer about God. I was wondering if you would be willing to do that with me just for about 3 or 4 times. If not and you are busy that is totally fine but I am interested in what you would have to say. Please just let me know. Oh and I tried to email you but it wouldn't let me so this is what I am doing. Thank you!


Careful now! If this kind of thinking becomes the norm, we might end up with a world full of open-minded, non-prejudiced people who are happier, more satisfied, and open to new experiences as well...

Greta Christina

Jennifer, I'm sorry, but between my writing and my day job, I really don't have time for a private email correspondence. However, if you want to comment on one my of my blog posts, I or other commenters might be willing to engage with you. Thanks for asking, and best of luck.

Barry Galef

I think the "Green Eggs and Ham" illustration is perfect for your post. I couldn't stand that book until I learned to read it with a salacious tone, emphasizing parts like "Say ... in the dark, here in the dark, would you, could you in the dark? (and then a frigid sounding, "I would not, could not, in the dark!") And then, "Would you, could you, with a goat?" etc. Fortunately, perhaps, I didn't come up with this re-interpretation until my kids were grown ...


Hi Jennifer,

If you're still looking for help with your assignment I'd be willing to have a short dialogue with you through e-mail. I'm an atheist and a recent university graduate living in Canada. You can reach me at ian-m (at) live (dot) com


Dear Greta,
Appetite is directly tied to olfactory sense. You can train your brain to take in more smells without adverse reaction, and you can train your sense of taste at the same time.
Start with spices and move to fruits and vegetables. The move to condiments. Smell several different things each day, inhale, imagine color and taste, imagine food combinations.
Once your senses have been broadened, your tastebuds will be prepared for new flavors and you will be able to short out complex flavors more adeptly than just "good" or "gross."

Laura Upstairs

I love umeboshi so much that this is making me salivate just reading about it. May have to acquire some soon...

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