Please note: This piece discusses my personal sex life: not at length or in great detail, but a little. Family members and others who don't want to read about that stuff, use your judgment on this one. This piece was originally published on the Blowfish Blog.
Does familiarity with sex breed contempt?
Some years ago, I worked for a seven- year stretch for a mail-order sex products catalog. (The one I blog for now, in fact.) It's a small company, and was even smaller when I was starting out there: the sort of company where everyone did a little bit of every job that needed doing.
So in the years that I worked there, I packed orders, received shipments, argued with vendors, stocked shelves, talked with customers about their orders, did product reviews, and wrote product descriptions... of porn, sex ed materials, lube, and sex toys. I sat at a desk within a few feet of the stock shelves... fully stocked with porn, sex ed materials, lube, and sex toys. For eight hours a day, five days a week, my day- to- day working life was spent surrounded by -- indeed immersed in -- porn, sex ed materials, lube, and sex toys.
Almost everyone I knew was aware of my work. Most of them approved. But even among the ones who approved, a surprisingly large number asked me the same question:
"Don't you get jaded working here?"
I remember, in particular, the time my brother asked me that. He was in town for a visit, and came by to see where I worked -- right at the moment that I was unpacking a big box of dildos and buttplugs and receiving them into inventory. He wasn't shocked, exactly, but he was definitely a bit startled. Partly by the big box of several dozen dildos and buttplugs... but more, I think, by the casual, matter- of- fact manner in which I was taking them out of the box and checking them off the invoice. And he asked me the question:
"Don't you get jaded working here?"
It's a question I got asked a lot when I worked at Blowfish. It's a question I still get asked as a sex writer. And my answer is this:
In the years that I've worked and written about sex products and sexual issues, I have not become jaded about sex.
I have become relaxed about sex.
And jaded and relaxed are not the same thing.
Being jaded means you've lost your capacity to be excited and moved by something. It means that you've been made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience or by surfeit (to quote Merriam Webster). It means you've seen so much of something that you just don't care about it anymore.
Being relaxed, on the other hand, simply means being at ease. It means being comfortable. It doesn't mean that you've seen so much of something that you don't care about it anymore. It means that you've seen so much of something that you think of it as normal.
I'm fascinated by the assumption that exposure to sex will make people bored with it. After all, sex is one of our deepest, most fundamental animal drives. Our interest in it is not going anywhere. I mean, we're exposed to food every day, several times a day, and we're not showing any signs of becoming jaded or bored with it. Why do we think being exposed to sex all day would make us jaded or bored with that?
Here's what I think.
In American society, our interest in sex is often very tied up with anxiety, and forbidden-ness, and secrecy. True, we have a popular culture that's saturated in sexual imagery. But it's sexual imagery that heightens our anxiety about sex instead of diminishing it. It's sexual imagery that's all about how sex is for the young and beautiful and fashionable, and none of the rest of us are good enough. And our popular culture also has the fucked-up paradox of being saturated in sexual imagery -- while, at the same time, being pathetically lacking in sexual information. We have exposure... but I don't think we really have what I would call familiarity.
So our interest in sex is often very tied up with anxiety, and forbidden-ness, and secrecy. Sex is seen as forbidden and bad; so exploring sex gets all tangled up with the thrill of crossing lines and exploring forbidden territory. Sex is seen as something that should be kept secret; so our fascination with sex gets all tangled up with our fascination with secrets and mysteries of all kinds. Sex is seen as something to be anxious and frightened about; so the excitement of sex gets all tangled up with the fear of it.
And I think a lot of people are afraid that if all these tangled threads get de-tangled, our passion for sex will vanish.
I think that for a lot of people, these tangled threads run so deep that they themselves are confused about which part is the mystery, and the frisson of fear, and the thrill of the forbidden... and which part is the pure, raw, animal libido, hard-wired into us through millions of years of evolution, via billions of ancestors who successfully reproduced because they were horny.
So I want to reassure these people:
Sex isn't going anywhere.
First of all: I've been working and writing about sex for almost 20 years now. And my libido still has plenty of tangles with secrecy and shame, fear and the forbidden. (Anyone who's read my more fucked-up porn will attest to that.) Those threads are woven in deep, and they're not going away. I've just spun them into rebellion and kink, like straw spun into ornery, perverted gold.
But more to the point: As I've become more familiar with sex, more immersed in it, more informed about it, more accepting of my own desires, more understanding of other people's... my libido has not diminished. If anything, it's done the opposite. And that's true for pretty much everyone I know who works with, or writes about, or is otherwise immersed in, sex and sexual culture.
Being relaxed about sex is like being relaxed about playing the piano, or meditating, or playing golf. It doesn't detract from the experience. It enhances it. It helps you focus, keeps you in touch with your body, makes you less prone to distraction, makes it easier to stay in the moment.
Being relaxed about sex doesn't make sex boring. It makes it that much easier to fully experience just what it is that's exciting about it.
I'm betting that the habit of "taking office supplies home from work" had an entirely different meaning there, though. ;-)
Posted by: cthellis | January 13, 2009 at 06:11 PM
Sounds like a fun job!
I wouldn't worry about becoming "jaded" so much as I'd worry about sex turning into a chore. Such as: your partner brings home a cool new sex toy and wants to try it out, and you think "Honey, I just want to relax and not think about work right now..." ;)
Posted by: C. L. Hanson | January 13, 2009 at 11:02 PM
Great article.
Posted by: anardana | January 14, 2009 at 08:26 AM
Yup, that's been my experience too, Greta. The more I know about sex, the better I like it and the better it is when I have some.
Spot on, as usual!
Posted by: nina hartley | January 14, 2009 at 01:38 PM
Being relaxed about sex doesn't make sex boring. It makes it that much easier to fully experience just what it is that's exciting about it.
Well said and exactly right.
Posted by: the chaplain | January 14, 2009 at 03:21 PM
Yup, that's been my experience too, Greta. The more I know about sex, the better I like it and the better it is when I have some.
I take you are one of the lucky few who enjoy their jobs, then?
Posted by: Valhar2000 | January 15, 2009 at 02:26 AM
to the author:
Your not jaded. Period. We understand that.
what you have done to yourself is not normal. you have evolved into loving sexual relations to more of a degree than a normal person by being exposed to sexual related topics more than a normal person (sex toys, lubes, people talking about sex, more exposure thru the working environment)
this is due to too much exposure to sexual relations...evolving you to be more relaxed to what normal sex standard is. evolving you to adapt to your own perception of what normal is, fun and too over the top kinky or bizarre).......
you merely evolved into a human not in normal circumstances and you gained beliefs in the idea that what you see and think is normal sex practices....which kinky, enlarged penises bigger than that of a normal or average sized are used to pleasure your self to achieve senses of climax. Now that you have gotten use to the fulfillment and excitement at that level(enlarged sex toys bigger than whats normal) you no longer obtain the same pleasure level of climax from what used to be normal, as the new kinky, erotic, oversized sexual objects that you have evolved to using thinking good of it, have taken you to a whole new climax higher than previous level of pleasure or climax. this is normal propeties of evolution, Once you start that evolution process of advancing yourself, you cant undo what you have already been exposed to. Youve Forced yourself to love evolution. This in turn shifts your prospective to what normal was and is as the new normal level of satisfaction for yourself. Satisfaction to a new level of excitement or love is normal to evolution always striving for more feeling and sensations. Always striving for the highest level of satisfaction or climax.
youll be forever an addict to love and sexual pleausre. Always seeking the next big sexual rush or excitment/climax, chasing the thrill is what makes us human but this in fact is part of the evolution process.
Now that a normal sized 5.5 in penis wont satisfy you as it would a normal human without exposure. you now will require oversized 8 inch and bigger to obtain your current state climaxing peak. This process evolutionized you now to be eligable to accept bigger penis to reach the same hightest climax point youve once obtained. When you ride a roller coaster the first time it was new and exciting, if you ride that ride over and over again you wont achieve that same level of excitement as you did the first 5 times you took the roller coaster ride, this by nature is part of being human, you evolved to liking stronger bigger faster roller coaster to achieve your new level of excitement.
So youre not jaded,
youve just evolved into a abnormal woman with huge exposure to sexual obejct. and im sure it shows in your personality type.
youve elvoved into a open, non personalized, used up to a dagree normal isnt normal anymore... if people like her and her ideas are normal. what is really a normal standard. As this woman set new standards for society follow as normal. what is normal anymore??? is it normal to seek pleausre from oversized ABNORMAL Sexual objects. This AUTHOR has skewed a preception of normal and what is normal from overexposure not jaded. PERIOD. youve been overexposed to sexual perception. and that is the real topic of concern.
Posted by: advance people | September 26, 2012 at 10:47 AM