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Well, I just threw some money to both of your suggested campaigns, voted early here in NV for Barack (and the only other Dem on the ballot, Jill Derby); I'll see about writing that letter to Kay Hagan tonight. It's good to be super-cool.

John B Hodges

The only problem I have is that (unlike the No on Prop 8 campaign) I haven't been able to find an ordinary postal address to which I can mail a check, for Kay Hagan's campaign. Her website seems to assume that everyone will donate by credit card over the Internet. I may be eccentric and fogeyish not to trust the Internet with my account numbers, but I'd really rather donate by mail.


Kudos Greta C!

Although I'm Australian and we have nowhere near the trouble with hate-spreading halfwits as the US does, I got all tingly when you mentioned the possibility of an atheist voting bloc in the US! What happens there directly affects what happens Down Here, and I can tell you we're all thoroughly sick of George's fearmongering fundamentalist idiocy and deeply suspicious of anyone who thinks he's made any positive impact on the world. Therefore, given McCain's likelihood to pretty much continue in the Bush vein and his mindbogglingly retarded choice of VP candidate, there really is only one option that makes any sense.

This jaw-droppping rank atheist-hate from the GOP just smacks, as you say, scarily of classical anti-semitism (as well as it's bastard cousin, McCarthyism) and it's bone-chilling. Add to it both the covert & overt racism displayed not just by idiots in the street, by public idiots like O'Reilly and Limbaugh but by actual candidates themselves and the whole GOP campaign is starting to stink like a week-old cheesy fish sandwich.

What's heartening is that lots of people, including lots of Republicans, are distancing themselves from it and saying "enough! My country is better than this and my country DESERVES better than this".

What's equally heartening is something you mentioned: the fact that these bigots are running such blatant hate campaigns can only mean that the godless are having a noticeable effect. Such white-hot, blind hatred can have only one source in my opinion: fear. They're terrified of no longer being the only game in town and it shows. It's cropping up in little ways all over the various GOP campaigns and throughout the various ejaculations from GOP schills. They're terrified and desperate and they're attempting to inflict their potential voters with the same kind of paralysing fear they themselves feel. They know that if a voter feels that afraid, they won't vote with their head.

The godless have simply been ignored in America until now, but in the last two or three years there's been a massive surge in open godlessness (enabled in part by the proliferation of blogs such as this) which has expressed itself as a groundswell of political action and consciousness-raising. My hope (and I think it's justified) is that after this crucial election, America's godless will continue this work to educate people as to exactly what being godless is, and what it isn't.

Fear may be the mind-killer, but awareness, knowledge - information - beats fear hands down.


This is going to sound strange, but I'm glad Elizabeth Dole and the NRSC are running this blatant campaign of fear and hate against atheists.

No, wait. Stay with me.

The reason I'm glad is because just about all the polls show that Dole is increasingly falling behind and Kay Hagan is taking the lead. These smear ads are a last-minute desperation move. While tactics like that have changed the course of elections before, it's looking increasingly unlikely that they're going to work this time. And the best possible scenario, for us, is one in which Dole runs a campaign whose raison d'etre is to pander to anti-atheist bigotry - and then loses anyway.

I say that because waging a campaign like this, and still losing, is going to break the back of these smear tactics. It shows that they're not effective, that they don't persuade voters. And that, really, will achieve more to strengthen our political hand than anything we could say or do ourselves. The next person who wants to campaign on atheist hate is going to have a good reason to think twice about it, if Dole loses. And the media may well conclude that, if tactics like these don't work, maybe atheists are a more influential political group than we've been given credit for!

Greta Christina
I may be eccentric and fogeyish not to trust the Internet with my account numbers, but I'd really rather donate by mail.

I bet that if you emailed her campaign headquarters, they'd happily give you a snail mail address to mail a check.


This Jew is beyond you on this one!

Our very existence is being presented as an abomination.

I thought you'd be used to that already, what with being gay and all.

Nonetheless, when a woman who knows how to use a whip and handcuffs tells me to chip in, I hear and obey.



And the media may well conclude that, if tactics like these don't work, maybe atheists are a more influential political group than we've been given credit for!

I haven't contacted the media, but I've dropped a line to both the No on 8 folks and the Hagan campaign.

Oh, and Dole's address is [email protected] .


I was all set to vote for Kay Hagan. Then, while reading various candidates' responses to a questionnaire sent out by the local weekly, I noticed this:

8. What is your position regarding LGBT rights? Please address whether gay marriages or civilunions should be made legal in North Carolina or as a matter of national policy; also, whether sexual orientation and identity should be added as a protected class under federal or state anti-discrimination laws

I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and this is fundamentally a state issue. North Carolina has a law that defines marriage this way, and I see no reason to change that. However, I take a back seat to no one when it comes to equal opportunity and fairness and opposing any form of discrimination on housing, workplace and hospitals.

...and was pretty appalled by the pandering she's doing here by being so wishy washy. I mean, there are obvious reasons to change NC's law defining marriage. And I'm realizing that it really should be uncontroversial for a politician to meet with atheist groups. So I don't particularly thing Hagan deserves to be rewarded for that, so much as Dole needs to be punished for her vile smears. Of course, skipping this blank on the ballot doesn't send any kind of message to Liddy Dole, so I might just vote for the Libertarian candidate this time around.


This North Carolina resident just donated to a political campaign for the first time. I sent an e-mail to both candidates explaining why.

Despite my residency in her state, I had not seen those campaign materials, so thanks for keeping an eye out for us!


First they ignore you,
Then they laugh at you,
Then they fight you,
Then you win


You want to have your cake and eat it, too. Judaism is a faith as well, you know..

Joseph R.

Although I have not made a contribution to Kay Hagan, I do support her and will cast my vote for her. Just so you know, many people in NC are paying attention to Dole's bigotry.


Being an "evil and vile" atheist, I decided to donate $25 to Kay Hagan of NC - for pretty much the same reason as everyone else who has - It's time to become a political block to stand up to the neo conservative christian right wingnuts, including Dole.

JD from Hoeno

I don't remember commenting on this blog before but I must have. My info is cued up and ready to go. I might as well drop you a line, say I was here and say thanks for the reminder. The reminder being that freedom of thought does not extend far in my own country.

If you choose not to believe in ancient folklore, you're assumed to be vile and unpatriotic. I'm a libertarian leaning person in my politics, and I think it's funny that everyone who is a non-believer is supposed to be a far left, liberal. Why? I also find it funny that politically conservative people are supposed to be religious zealots and bigoted morons. Why?

I suppose this is why staunch conservatives who think- like Christopher Hitchens- are coming out now and saying they'll vote for Obama. I'll be voting for him too.

Blue Nine

I gave $100 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ( Dole is not the only one who's gotta go down.


I never got around to a follow-up e-mail to explain why I was donating to the Hagan campaign. Today I received a message from them which was not exactly what I might have preferred to hear. She is apparently taking the tack that her opponent has unjustly maligned her reputation as a good x-tian, nothing about how she smeared the secular-humanist voting bloc. Ah well.


My vile, godless money is on its way...


It is amazing that the attack on Kay Hagen, like the whisper campaign that Obama is a muslim, is not attacked for its fundamental unamericanism. There is nothing wrong with being an atheist, a muslim, a follower of Odin, whatever. The first amendment not only allows us to believe in whatever religion(or no religion) we want, but to be active in the body politic while doing so.


I think one problem is, that atheists simply don't bother so much about others, so they have not mobilized as much as religious extremists have. Atheists don't seem to want to own an entire political party, to tell others what to do, or how to act. They are content to be as they are. They don't focus on converting masses of people. However, the religious seem intent on converting the non-religious.

You have a good article here. But Atheists have to band together as a group in order to be heard, and defend themselves in such cases. However, to band means being an organized group, and that itself can lead to some 'rules for membership in the house of atheists' being created, which defeats the purpose of being atheist.

What to do?


Interestingly the Youtube video is now set as private. I managed to look it up though, utterly disgusting.

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