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I recently got that comment on one of my blogs, that this guy felt sorry for atheists because they had no hope. I was just going through some intellectual angst about the Christian voice that still yells in my ear on occasion. Hope, my dear friend, is not my problem. You can hope six ways from Sunday whether you're Christian or not. Hope is a by-product of having a sense of past, present, and future. Hope is simply optimism for the future. Heck, I even hope for some form of immortality sometimes. Being an atheist only removes one hope: the hope of an everlasting life in heaven with the Christian God. It's like that old atheist adage that we only believe in one less (or is it fewer?) god than Christians - we only have one less hope than Christians, which opens up the opportunity to other kinds of hope.


Considering some of the Christians I know, I fervently HOPE their heaven and their god do not exist. Eternity with them sounds more depressing than no afterlife at all.

gruntled atheist

Beautifully written.

absent sway

Great post! The parts about religion emphasizing helplessness in some people, and having to walk on eggshells just so, and all the power we think we have being attributed to someone else, resonate with me.


I wonder - what would it mean for a theist to have hope? After all, aren't they certain that God will eventually swoop in and save the day? It seems to me that if you're absolutely positive that something will happen, you don't have hope, you have certainty. That being the case, not only does atheism permit us to have hope, one could argue that it's the only worldview that plausibly allows for the possibility. We can still have hope: that humanity's moral development will continue, that our ethics will finally catch up with our technology, that we'll enjoy happiness and good fortune in our own personal lives. I don't see what a theist could ever plausibly claim they merely hope for, not if they believe God is benevolent and in control.

The Nerd

All the hope promised to my by Christianity was given to me by atheism.


I completely agree, and expressing this view is part of the motivation for my new blog. Aside from caring about what is actually true, I believe atheism is also the most optimistic and hopeful, as you have beautifully expressed.


A common attitude of Christians is the idea that mankind is fallen, sinful, and that the world will never get better, only worse until God destroys it. They think there must be something else, something good and wonderful waiting for them after death. That isn't hope. That is despair dressed up in a robe.

We affect the world, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. I hope we will work for the better. Sometimes I see it happen, sometimes I just know that it could happen.

That is hope.


Beautifully written!

I have been enjoying your blog since the they a discover it and I would like to repay you with my favorite poem. It talks about being in peace with mortality and the fact that it doesn`t exist a higher force controling our live:

At peace:

Very near my setting sun, I bless you, Life
because you never gave me neither unfilled hope
nor unfair work, nor undeserved sorrow/pain

because I see at the end of my rough way
that I was the architect of my own destiny
and if I extracted the sweetness or the bitterness of things
it was because I put the sweetness or the bitterness in them
when I planted rose bushes I always harvested roses

Certainly, winter is going to follow my youth
But you didn’t tell me that May was eternal
I found without a doubt long my nights of pain
But you didn’t promise me only good nights
And in exchange I had some peaceful ones

I loved, I was loved, the sun caressed my face

Life, you owe me nothing, Life, we are at peace!

- by Amado Nervo

Kylyssa Shay

Beautifully written. Then I look over and see you've written some of my favorite erotica!

I'm very familiar with the idea that some hold that life is meaningless and hopeless without God and an afterlife. I, too, strongly disagree!


good points - if all the beleivers hope for is eternal life

why would they want that when they are so self loathing in this life?

the idea of permanently being in that state sound way more like hell to me


To think of living for eternity
is like "Groundhog Day" every
day for infinity and then


It is obvious that you believe you know something about Christians, but I can assure you that you are greatly mistaken in your assumptions.

My hope doesn't keep me from enjoying this life at all but rather enhances it to its greatest possible pleasure. You see I get the best of both worlds through my faith in Christ. I have fellowship with a living Savior who loves me and has given me hope for every day as well as eternal hope. In addition, I am free from the fears and anxieties that many people suffer because I can "cast all my cares upon the Lord" as the scripture tells me to do.

I fully enjoy life as a husband of a wonderful wife, father to seven very special children and grandfather to three beautiful children and one on the way. I have written a book and published it, have preached, taught, worked to see lives changed for the good and have seen great results in that, and have learned to live for the Lord and by extension for my fellow man by doing all within my power to raise them above the life they now live to victory in Christ.

If I were any more fulfilled in this life I cannot imagine how it could be. But then I know that I will live forever in the presence of a wonderful, loving God on a new earth as foretold in Revelation where there is no more sorrow, pain, sickness or death for all those things will have been put away forever.

Visit my web site if you choose. There is a challenge for those who come there to consider Christ and also a challenge for Christians to put off anything that will hinder them in living as they should. It is not a comfortable feel-good site but rather a site calling for absolute surrender to Christ above everyone and everything.



First your site said that my comments posted and then an error came up saying it didn't. I hope that it did and further hope that you didn't cut it off because it didn't agree with what you believe.

I feel what I said was considerate and should have been non-offensive unless there is a lack of tolerance for Christians on your site. That would be a pity since all the atheists that I have met that are respectful have had no problem with my posts to date.


It is obvious that you believe you know something about Christians, but I can assure you that you are greatly mistaken in your assumptions.

My hope doesn't keep me from enjoying this life at all but rather enhances it to its greatest possible pleasure. You see I get the best of both worlds through my faith in Christ. I have fellowship with a living Savior who loves me and has given me hope for every day as well as eternal hope. In addition, I am free from the fears and anxieties that many people suffer because I can "cast all my cares upon the Lord" as the scripture tells me to do.

I fully enjoy life as a husband of a wonderful wife, father to seven very special children and grandfather to three beautiful children and one on the way. I have written a book and published it, have preached, taught, worked to see lives changed for the good and have seen great results in that, and have learned to live for the Lord and by extension for my fellow man by doing all within my power to raise them above the life they now live to victory in Christ.

If I were any more fulfilled in this life I cannot imagine how it could be. But then I know that I will live forever in the presence of a wonderful, loving God on a new earth as foretold in Revelation where there is no more sorrow, pain, sickness or death for all those things will have been put away forever.

Visit my web site if you choose. There is a challenge for those who come there to consider Christ and also a challenge for Christians to put off anything that will hinder them in living as they should. It is not a comfortable feel-good site but rather a site calling for absolute surrender to Christ above everyone and everything.



I apologize for the double post. I didn't intend to do that.

Toby Stevens

As one who does believe a God created us, I often wonder about this. My question is primarily ... if there is no afterlife, is there any real purpose in this life?

Or put another way ... if elements randomly organized throughout time to become what now is ... then isn't meaning and hope subjective? So that evil persons hope or meaning is just as valid as anyone else's?

I'm not argumentative, and would like to communicate with others on this. Any input is welcom.

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