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Frank DN

This is the same thing I discovered since leaving religion behind me. I used to be convinced there was a reason for everything and I would drive myself crazy trying to rationalize some explanation for all of it. I would make a basket case out of myself while I was waiting for god to solve my problem. Once I got god out of my life, however, I began to realize that shit happens to me quite a lot but that's all it is. Not some great lesson to be learned. We just survived the worst year of our lives, we were on the verge of losing our house and everything. My mother died horribly. My cat got killed by another cat we wanted to adopt. The list goes on. But I am so glad that the thought of god never entered my mind. I am quite sure I would have gone off the deep end back when I was a believer.

I've been reading your blog for some time and really enjoy your insights but I haven't commented before. Frank

David Harmon

A wonderful post. And you are showing us all what real strength looks like -- not leaning on an imaginary buddy, but strength within yourself.

Timothy Mills

Yet another superb expression of the uplifting nature of a skeptical worldview. Thankyou very much!

gruntled atheist

Beautifully written. Becoming an Atheist is the most liberating thing I have ever done.


Its weird that, although I was raised Catholic, I never felt like god was punishing me by doing things. Living in NYC does that. There are so many amoral, murderous snakes who are rich, up to their ears in pussy, have nice cars, lots of friends and so on - that I never believed god had anything to do with it. I never believed that their Heaven or Hell would be any different than that of the less fortunate.

What I am working on is the notion of karma. When I was married, I picked up my ex's bad habit of being nasty to people - flaming them in email and so on. After he bailed, I wanted to wipe up my karma, so I changed a lot of behaviors and was very quickly rewarded and felt so much better. Currently, I am grappling with karma in that I used to date guys and dump them prematurely and now they are doing that to me.

In my rational moments, I am working on remembering that my karmic cleanup of 1989 was to start volunteer work at the AIDS grove, which meant that I made friends with two dozen *fabulous* gay men, who had the *best* potlucks. Three of them were professional landscapers and I can put together a kick-ass garden design. Karma? No. Meeting good people. Hells yeah. I now am the jedi master of dogs and cats and zoo animals.

The dating thing is a hard one. Sometimes I feel like I am being punished. I've been dumped 4 times in less than a year. But the rational part of me is thinking that *I* am more tolerant and not dumping them and they are discovering the incompatibilities (or lack of chemistry or they're just assholes) and taking action before me.

Still hurts, tho'.

I'm sorry you've had a shit sandwich of a year, hon. I wish there was something I could do to cheer you up. Perhaps, when you are feeling better, I can bring over my bottle of St. George absinthe and we can have a cocktails while playing FLUXX and spoiling the kitties.

the chaplain

Nice post. I'm sorry you've had such a lousy time of it lately. You're absolutely right in chalking it up to the fact that much of life is random and beyond our control; therefore, shit happens. It's frustrating when lots of it happens at once, but I'm glad to see that you're making your way through it.


Hmm. "Lord, give me the wisdom to know what I can change, and the skill to make up insane, stupid and/or absurd excuses for all the ones I can't figure out." Right? Or am I misremembering? lol


Hi Greta - long-time lurker, and I've commented once or twice in the dim past. Let me get the 'I love your blog' out of the way, because I have another option I wonder if you've considered for the current string of 'bad luck':

Confirmation bias?

Admittedly this is a stretch, but I wonder if thinking this couple of months is so bad is because the bad things are just so bad that they might have overshadowed any good things/times you had in the same period. You know, the highs were there, but not as high as the lows were low...?

(Just a thought - and a tipsy one at that. The only thing worse than drunk commenting is drunk blogging, so maybe that's it...)

In any case, I give you whatever best wishes I can, and kudos for your blogging. I hope circumstances improve soon.


Well stated, as always.


Spanish Inquisitor showed me the way to you! Excellent post and one I can relate to and appreciate.

In my 'believing days' when I was being served up one "shit sandwich" (Love that, Elaine!) after another I came to believe that I was being tested. Tested by God. I just never knew exactly what I was being tested on. My strength or lack thereof? My kindness or lack thereof? My integrity or lack thereof? But it was never clear to me whether I passed or failed.

Although I don't like "shit sandwiches," I can choke them down a lot better now knowing they're not being served up by God to test my human skills. Man can't live on "shit sandwiches" alone...wash 'em down with a cold brew and know that the laws of probability can't work against you forever.

Crux Australis

You, my darling blogger, have just been added to my feed. Congratulations.


When you write:

"I know what's happening.
I understand what's happening.
So I'm not afraid of it.
And I don't have to feel guilty about it."

It seems that you have, uncharacteristically, failed to understand one important aspect of religious psychology -it is (falsely) empowering. When you accept the true causes of the bad things that has happened to you, you most often admit your helplessness to do anything about it and that it might occur again and there is nothing you can do about it. That is psychologically hard to deal with.

A religious person who believes that bad things happened because he did not pray enough certainly puts unnecessary guilt on himself -but he gives (false) meaning to his suffering and he gives himself (false) hope of stopping it.

A lot of people will take guilt over helplessness any day.


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