Atheists and Anger now has over 900 comments!
Comments have been continuing to trickle in on this post ever since the original surge when I wrote it in October; it's been getting at least one comment a day on most days ever since it was published. But special thanks are due to Friendly Atheist and to Memoirs of a Skepchick for the recent links that put it over the top. Thanks! And thanks to everyone who linked to the piece on their blog or forum or discussion group. This thing really has turned into the blog post that ate the Internet. I am still completely blown away by how many people were touched by it... and I'm very touched that so many people were moved to spread the word about it. Thanks, y'all. If it hits 1000, I think I'll throw a party.
Seriously, though, congratulations on some well-deserved recognition for what I might dare to call a highly influential piece of writing.
Posted by: Syckls | January 01, 2008 at 03:00 PM
"Vegeta, what does the scanner say about her comment level?"
hehe... congratz, and forgive me for the DBZ reference. I was introduced here by a forum post at animeost dot net... talk about something unrelated!
Anyways, that was yesterday, and I added you to my favorites, so I'll be back every day :D
Posted by: AA | January 01, 2008 at 03:46 PM
Congrats on 900. I never commented on the post itself, but it is one of my favorite blog posts of all time. Every time someone asks me "Why are you so mad at religion?" I refer them to Atheists and Anger.
Posted by: Nathan F. | January 02, 2008 at 08:17 AM
You're angry because you're fat and ugly. The atheist and being angry thing is icing on the cake, which you'll probably just eat.
Posted by: hampshirebrit | January 02, 2008 at 04:46 PM
hampshirebrit, you're a twit, you've half a wit, total git
Now do something useful, like going away.
Posted by: efrique | January 02, 2008 at 09:09 PM