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And some things never change. Our best selling video (like, by a bazillion gillion mile) is The Crash Pad, which we've gotten multiple complaints about because a lesbian video made by a lesbian director with an all-lesbian cast in the heart of the lesbianist part of the lesbian district of San Francisco...

... doesn't have guys in it.

Sometimes, all you can do is nod, smile, and give them their money back.


One question: are the video box pictures that go with this article meant to be good examples, bad examples, or some of each?

Greta Christina

"are the video box pictures that go with this article meant to be good examples, bad examples, or some of each?"

Some of each. I'm sorry, I thought that was clear from my intro. "Ecstasy in Berlin 1926," "Sugar High Glitter City," "Ashley and Kisha," "Bend Over Boyfriend," "The Bridal Shower," and "Slide Bi Me" are all, IMO, great.


*looks* Oh. I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to how each paragraph corresponds to the picture next to it. Pardon me. :)


I have mixed feelings about this whole issue. On one hand, I think there should be a hell of a lot more variety in porn. On the other hand, like a lot of more mainstream viewers, I've got a lot of "squicks" when it comes to performer appearance. I'm actually quite familiar with most of the positive porn titles you've just mentioned, and I bet they show some real sexual pleasure. I haven't bothered to pick any of them up though. My big hangup? I'm just not turned on by the actors, so I'm not going to be into it. (Not to say that Jenna's my type, either.)

I've read a lot of sex positive folks talk about "pansexuality" as the solution for better porn – throw together all body types, all sexual preferences, and all gender identities into one diverse mass and somehow everybody will come out happy. The problem is that its totally not where most people are at sexually.

Personally, I think the whole nichefication of porn that's being driven by the internet is a better trend. Pansexuality is just one niche among many, and I hope there's plenty of it for those who's boat it floats. But I also hope there continues to be lots of highly fetishistic porn for those of us for whom a have that one special "type" or sexual act that does it for them.

C.S. Lewiston

"I am super-tired of pussies shaved into the Hitler moustache. "

Clitler? :~) (Ducks to avoid heavy object thrown at head)

Wonder what Malvina Reynolds would have said about the subject to which you've applied her lyrics? No matter, it fits only too well!

What I don't get is the current porn industry fetish of cum facials. Seeing a woman get a blast of jism in the face just leaves me cold.

My thing is open-source (read: amateur) porn, some of which is free for the downloading. Most of the people in these productions look average. A few are butt-ugly, but so what? At least these are real people and not Hollywood mannequins! (and FWIW, some "fat" chicks look mighty hot to this reporter!)

What's wrong with mainstream porn is what's wrong with popular media in general. A few large companies and/or organizations settle on THE FORMULA, which must be unwaveringly adhered to. Indeed, music which is more than your standard teenage love ditty seldom gets on the radio or shows up at the mall record store. Movies which don't fit into standard Hollywood pigeonholes get sloughed off to ghettoized "art houses". And TV? The technology of TV and standards as to what gets shown have changed markedly over the years, but the fundamental plot formulas for each genre (crime drama, science fiction, etc.) have not.

I believe that this is at least partly because mass media is a vehicle by which the ruling elite control the thought patterns of the masses. How many people form their ideas about love, sex and relationships based upon popular songs? Is it purely a business decision that nearly every song on the radio is about "love"? You might consciously resist frank limitations on sexual expression, but when you hear the same messages about "love" hundreds of times a day in the form of popular music...

But don't the elite try to suppress or censor porn? No, they suppress factual sex education. They suppress movements dedicated to non-mainstream ideas about sex and sexuality. I believe that they use porn to control peoples' most intimate ideas and attitudes about sex the way they now use popular music to control their ideas about love (so-called). Am I paranoid? Check it out for yourself.


I prefer "chubby" porn, myself. Not rolls-and-rolls-of-fat, but a little extra meat.

I don't particularly care for cumshots, with one major exception... come on, you know you love him...


...and it's more for the humor value than for the erotic value.


The one thing I have not been able to find anywhere (except for genuine amature - and often not even then) is a video where the camera doesn't make a point of showing us the cum.

Every other thing I've seen.

And the thing is, it is so incredibly unnatural.
Aside from withdrawal method birth control, why would anyone ever do that? It feels better to both partners if during intercourse, he cums inside her.
There are, of course, the "cream pie" movies, the "fetish" of which is internal ejaculation (how is that a fetish? Some of the variety the author suggests aren't exactly universal, but cumming in your partner is a fetish?!?!?!)
but even those movies, afterward, they always zoom in on it dripping back out. Maybe some people are into that. I can't be the one person who isn't.

And its not that I don't find the appeal in the facial. Its unfortunate that 90% of the bukkake movies are censored.
But, come on, every time?
Is Billy Bob writing to complain that his latest video had one scene in which a guy was getting a blowjob, and came IN her mouth instead of on her face?
Who's idea was it?
How the hell did it catch on?
I've never heard of anyone who prefers this format.
How can it increase sales?

Well, I tell you one thing.
The one I was in, we didn't do that crap.
I pulled out only so I could keep going, cause she was close, but not quite there yet. The camera was on her face when she came (it was real), then I came a second time - inside of her. And then I held her after.

If anyone knows the term for a fetish video which doesn't go out of its way to show the viewers the cum, (its ok if it just happens to happen that way) please let me know.


You mention seeing people come. That reminds me, one style of porn that turns me on massively is the Beautiful Agony site. It's its own narrow specialization, and I like a little more variety in my diet, but it's something I enjoy frequently.

It's simply face shots of people (occasionally couples) masturbating to orgasm. Nothing visible below the neck, just eyes on the camera until they really have to be closed.

Damn, it's hot.

(It's also a fun example to cite when people are trying to define porn and/or obscenity. By what objective standard do their videos differ from Meg Ryan's famous scene in When Harry Met Sally?)


Personally, I think the whole nichefication of porn that's being driven by the internet is a better trend. Pansexuality is just one niche among many, and I hope there's plenty of it for those who's boat it floats. But I also hope there continues to be lots of highly fetishistic porn for those of us for whom a have that one special "type" or sexual act that does it for them.

Kade Azkyroth
At least these are real people and not Hollywood mannequins! (and FWIW, some "fat" chicks look mighty hot to this reporter!)

Which leads me into something I'd like to see: I wish the people labeling the "fetish" stuff would stick to a given meaning of the labels. "Mature" and "fat" are good examples; the latter seems to be used for anyone ranging from the upper third of the "healthy" weight range (which is attractive to me and in fact generally preferable to "skinny") to morbidly obese (which, being unhealthy, really isn't).

Other things I desperately want: dialogue that doesn't suck. As a consumer of internet porn, I find that for me the actual sex depicted takes a back seat to the interaction of the performers. Cute/clever/personable banter in foreplay, and mixed with unfeigned gasping in more intense moments, is really, really appealing, especially when it's in the form of genuine enthusiasm from the women involved; "yeah...yeah...suck it...yeah...oh yeah...oh...yeah...yeah" is just plain obnoxious.


In response to Eclectic, the makers of Beautiful Agony have a sister site, which is solely dedicated to real female orgasm. It shows a lot more than just the face... and here comes my bias because I work for the company... I think it's a wonderful website.

Greta, awesome post once again and I couldn't agree with you more!


you know, my biggest problem with porn is that it is SO CLEARLY not made with female viewers in mind, except when it is, and then it's this niche thing and a lot of it is still really bad.

I'm the kind of gal who wants to see pretty straight men get the shit beaten out of them and then get fucked by women who look like someone I'd go to school with or meet at the grocery store (read: pretty but human). People tell me to go to meninpain or any of the other femdom sites, but here's the problem: all those sites were made FOR MEN. every shot is so clearly focused on some male submissive's idea of a dream domme that I just don't care anymore. I want the sexy submissive male front and center, because that is what I'm interested in.

I can't even get a break with erotic lit! 99 percent of all erotic book covers feature women, because the publishing companies are too afraid to piss off a male audience that doesn't even exist!


@ Celine. I so agree with every word you wrote!!

Ian Ironwood


As a porn industry professional, perhaps I can shed some light on why mainstream porn doesn't appeal to you and many women:

Women don't buy porn.

I didn't say women don't watch porn, I didn't say women don't enjoy porn, I didn't say women don't collect porn . . . but by and large men make up over 80% of the porn-buying public. And they buy far more frequently than women. The average porn-watching woman will buy 2-3 DVDs a year. The average porn-watching man will buy 2-3 DVDs a month, with some of them doing that kind of business on a weekly basis. Women tend to be pickier about their fare (hence your article) and they tend to watch their movies over and over, once they find something they like. Men, on the other hand, watch a porn DVD an average of 2.7 times before discarding it in favor of something newer.

So why does this mean that there isn't any good porn for women?

Well, because the industry is going to cater to the majority of their customer base, and that customer base is primarily male. It's not that "mainstream porn" doesn't want to sell to women -- they'll sell to anyone they legally can -- but until women start being a powerful market factor in porn, instead of a fractional consideration, you can expect more of the same.

The good news is that the lower cost of entry and the internet have made it possible to locate just what kind of stuff gets you off. This in turn has led to several popular "niches", like Interracial, All-Black, and MILF (HIGHLY popular) which don't necessarily feature the sameold, sameold.

But the fundamental fact remains that most porn is going to be like it is until women start demanding more . . . with their pocketbooks.

Ian Ironwood
Professional Porn Reviewer


Hi, I congratulate you on Merry Christmas!

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