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Since you have artistically repurposed this work, I propose that you take a can of spray paint and sign it, so that you may take your proper place in the pantheon.

Hey, it worked for Duchamp.

Bill Brent

"You can check out any time you like,
but you can never leave..."

Parking and unparking at the SOMA Trader Joe's is definitely life in the slow lane. (It has always reminded me of bumper cars, actually.) And then trying to merge safely onto Bryant Street? Whew.

A brilliantly inspired blogpost. Kudos.


P.S. The North Beach TJ's is likewise frustrating, FWIW. A possible sequel? Heh heh.


Oh you all just wait until any given Farmer's Market Saturday once the Trader Joe's is completed in the old Grandlake Albertsons site. That area was already clogged for blocks in all directions and that was while there was nothing but a moribund grocery store there.

Greta Christina

Hm. Clearly I need to do a series, possibly even a book: "Trader Joe's Parking: Civilization and its Disconnects."

Or maybe "Trader Joe's Parking: Surrealist Architecture and the Impossible Life."

Or perhaps "Interaction and Deception: Trader Joe's Parking and the Myth of Connection in Contemporary Society."

Damn. I could do this all day.

Greta Christina

"The Impossibility of Entry, The Absurdity of Escape: Trader Joe's Parking and the Realpolitik of Modern America."

Raging Bee

That's funny -- I'm having similar thoughts about some Metrobus routes in Northern Virginia.

Jane Shaffer

As a regular visitor to this particular installation, I find your comments hilariously accurate. I will say that this installation, as well as the one on 16th between Bryant and Potrero, gave me newfound respect for the "soccer moms" in their "minivans." They seem to be the only group who are aware that a)there are other people present with just as much right to circumnavigate the installation as they have, and b)viewing the installation takes a certain amount of time and the best way to handle it is to sit back, play some tunes, and contemplate the surrealistic nature of modern civilization.

Mr McUgly

I remember reading a book called "Rats Saw GOD" in which there was an organization called the "Grace Order of Dadaists". One of the co-founders inspired the order by putting half a skateboard in a bit of sidewalk that hadn't settled. When somebody tried to analyze the piece, the artist replied "Sod off, wanker. It's a skateboard in concrete," in his best cockney accent.
That doesn't really have anything to do with anything, but I haven't slept for 20 hours and I felt like sharing that with the internet.

Mr McUgly

I remember reading a book called "Rats Saw GOD" in which there was an organization called the "Grace Order of Dadaists". One of the co-founders inspired the order by putting half a skateboard in a bit of sidewalk that hadn't settled. When somebody tried to analyze the piece, the artist replied "Sod off, wanker. It's a skateboard in concrete," in his best cockney accent.
That doesn't really have anything to do with anything, but I haven't slept for 20 hours and I felt like sharing that with the internet.

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