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Chip Ritter

Hi, longtime listener, first time caller here. Greta, ya know I love you, but you realize you are merely acting out your desire for your absent, distant peanut butter chiffon black bottom pie. It's time to move on, for you (and I) shall never see its like again.


I sounds great, but I'd probably add some banana slices to the chocolate and peanut butter. More is always better in my comfort food philosophy.

On the other hand, comfort food without cheese... can we really call it comfort food???


SWEET JESUS! I can hear my arteries hardening already! Fried peanut butter and chocolate sandwiches. You should sell them at the state fair next to the stand selling fried twinkies.

Laura Deal

I do an easier version. I put peanut butter and chocolate chips in a bowl and nuke until it's all gooey and melty. Then I use it as a dip for pretzels.

It's like chubby hubby ice cream- but for the winter months.

Greta Christina

"Greta, ya know I love you, but you realize you are merely acting out your desire for your absent, distant peanut butter chiffon black bottom pie. It's time to move on, for you (and I) shall never see its like again."

Well, the grilled peanut butter and chocolate chip sandwich is a somewhat different creature. Mostly because it's hot. Hot is essential to the thing. (And I will try it with bananas -- that sounds yummy, and it would make it a little less grotesquely rich.)

But Chip has a point. I do yearn for the peanut butter chiffon black bottom pie at The Pines. It's a terrible thing when your favorite restaurant in the world (a) is in Palmdale, and (b) doesn't exist anymore anyway. I can't think about it for too long, or I'll fall into despair.

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