I dreamed I was having dinner with Aaron Eckhart (the actor: "Thank You for Smoking," "In the Company of Men"). He was intelligent and charming, but also very snarky, and he kept asking trick questions and openly gloating when I answered wrong. He lived in this cramped, very messy apartment in San Francisco, and served me bacon and eggs and sliced bananas for dinner. I didn't want to hurt his feelings by telling him I didn't eat pork, and decided it was ethically okay to eat it if someone gave it to me who didn't know that, so I ate it anyway.
After dinner, I tried to take BART home, but the BART ticket machine was dispensing candy and sodas as well as tickets: I pushed the wrong button, and the machine spewed out a huge stream of little hard candies, as well as a Coke. I spent most of the rest of the dream trying to make the machine give me an actual BART ticket, and trying to fit the enormous pile of candies into my purse.